Name: Svetlin Ivanov Nakov
Position: Director Training and Consulting Activities
Company: National Academy for Software Development (NASD)
Date of Birth: 14 June 1980
Marital Status: Single
Military Service: Not served
Mobile Phone: (+359) (894) 77 22 53
Web Site:
LinkedIn Profile:
2004 - now: Ph. D. student, "Automatic Extraction of False Friends from Parallel Bilingual Corpus", Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics –
2003 - 2005: M. Sc. in Distributed Systems and Mobile Technologies, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics –
1999 - 2003: B. Sc. in Computer Science, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics –
1994 - 1999: High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences “Vassil Drumev”, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria –; Graduated with excellent results (6.00)
1987 - 1994: Comprehensive Secondary School for Foreign Languages “Assen Zlatarov”, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria; Graduated with excellent results (6.00)
Jun 2005 – Present Director training and consulting activities, National Academy for Software Development (NASD), Bulgaria –
Apr 2004 – Present Chairman, Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD), Bulgaria –
Oct 2000 – July 2007 Part-time computer science lecturer in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia, Bulgaria –,
Feb 2007 – July 2007 Part-time computer science lecturer in New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria –
Feb 2004 – Jun 2005 Education activities associate, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom –
Sep 2003 – Feb 2006 Part time freelance writer for Jupitermedia Corp. (,, and –
Jun 2003 – Jan 2004 IT consultant and support engineer for Borland development tools, PowerPartner Ltd. (Authorized representative of Borland Software Corporation for Bulgaria), Sofia, Bulgaria –
Oct 2002 – Jun 2003 Senior software engineer and IT consultant, TechnoLogica Ltd, Sofia, Bulgaria –
Feb 2002 – Sep 2002 Senior software engineer, Saga Technology, Sofia, Bulgaria –
May 2000 – Jan 2002 Senior software engineer at Musala Soft Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria –
Jul 1999 – Apr 2000 Software developer at ComSoft Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria –
Oct 1999 – Mar 2000 Software developer at FoxWare Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria –
Sep 1998 – Dec 1998 Software developer at ArtCom Ltd., Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria –
May 1996 – Sep 1998 Software developer at 4M Inc., Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Software project management
Software architectures
Object-oriented programming and modeling
Client-server technologies
Distributed systems and multi-tier architectures
Multithreading and thread synchronization
Internet technologies and networking
Web application development
Content management systems (CMS)
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Relational databases, database systems and database design
Network security, PKI and cryptography
UML modeling (use case, sequence, class, component, deployment diagrams, etc.)
Design patterns
Software engineering
Development methodologies – agile development, extreme programming
High-quality programming code construction
Algorithms design/analysis and data structures
Computational linguistics and natural language processing (NLP)
Windows network administration and maintenance
Operating systems – Windows, Linux (Red Hat, CentOS, Ubuntu), UNIX, DOS, Cygwin
Low-level programming (Intel x86)
Business processes modeling
Java, C#, C, C++, SQL, PL/SQL, T-SQL, Delphi, Pascal, PHP, JavaScript, Visual Basic .NET, Scheme Lisp, Prolog, Basic, Logo, Assembler (Intel 80286)
Java, Java EE (J2EE) and related technologies – JDK, JDBC, JavaBeans, Servlets, JSP, custom tags, JSTL, RMI, EJB, JNDI, AWT, Swing, Sockets, Multithreading, Applets, JNI, Javadoc; Struts framework; Ant; JUnit; Log4J; Hibernate; JavaMail; JAXP, JAXB, Xerces
Microsoft .NET Framework and related technologies – C#, ADO.NET, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, AJAX Controls Toolkit, XML Web-services, Remoting; NHibernate; NUnit; FxCop; NAnt; MyGeneration
Delphi and related technologies – Visual Component Library (VCL), MIDAS, Web services
Database access – SQL, PL/SQL, T-SQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO, ADO.NET, stored procedures
Web sites and client-side scripting – HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript
Web programming – CGI, Servlets, JSP, Struts framework, PHP, ASP.NET, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), AJAX, WAP, WML, WMLScript
Web content management – WordPress, DotNetNuke
Web services – SOAP, WSDL, UDDI
Internet protocols – TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, FTP
Socket programming – Winsock, Java socket programming, .NET socket programming
Distributed applications – Java RMI, EJB, DCOM, Web services, .NET remoting, MIDAS
Windows programming – Win32 API, GDI+, COM, ActiveX, ODBC, ADO
XML programming – DOM, SAX, StAX, DTD, XSchema, XPath, XSLT
PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), digital certificates and signatures – Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA), Java Cryptography Extension (JCE), X.509 certificates, PKCS#12 keystores, digital signing of documents and signature verification, certificate verification, smart cards, PKCS#11
Team working and collaboration tools – GForge
Other technologies – Multithreading and synchronization; X.500 directory services; Regular expressions; Reverse engineering (MSIL, Java, Win32)
Oracle Database (8, 9, 9i, 10g), Microsoft SQL Server (2000, 2005), MySQL (4.0, 5.0), InterBase (6.0) / Firebird (1.0), Microsoft Access (2000, 2003)
Tomcat (4.0, 5.0, 6.0), Oracle Container for J2EE (OC4J), BEA WebLogic Server (5.1), MS Internet Information Server (5.0, 6.0), Apache (1.3, 2.0), JBoss Application Server (4.2)
Java and J2EE related – Eclipse, Eclipse Web Tools, Eclipse Visual Editor, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, Borland JBuilder, Oracle JDeveloper, Microsoft Visual J++, JCreator, Gel, Microsoft Visual J# .NET, Ant, JUnit
.NET related – Microsoft Visual Studio (6.0, 2002, 2003, 2005, Borland C#Builder (1.0), FxCop, NUnit, NAnt
UML modeling – Borland Together (6.0, 2006), Microsoft Visio (2000, 2003), Rational Rose, Visual Paradigm for UML
Database design – ERwin, CASE Studio, TOAD Data Modeler, Microsoft Visio, Oracle Designer, JDeveloper
Database programming – PL/SQL Developer, Oracle SQL Developer, Oracle Developer 2000, Oracle Procedure Builder, SQL Server Query Analyzer, SQL Server Management Studio
C++ related – Borland C++, Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++Builder, DJGPP, Eclipse CDT
Delphi and Pascal related – Borland Delphi, Borland Pascal, Free Pascal
Configuration management and source control – Subversion, Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS), Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, CVS, QVCS
Web sites and Web programming – Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Home Site, TopStyle, Macromedia ColdFusion Studio, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Fireworks, Firebug
Presentations and documentation tools – Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel,
Team working skills
Communication skills
Presentation skills
Teaching skills
Writing skills
Technical sales skills
Organizational skills
Business and IT management skills
Period: July 2007 – now
Description: Complex e-commerce and mobile commerce system for large telecom operator. Manages a large repository of content items (audio, video, games and pictures) with flexible Web 2.0 based administrative interface. Implements custom billing system and provides Web and mobile portal to the end users. Special users called "content providers" upload and organize new content while the end users purchase them from their mobile phone or from the Web.
Role: Technical architect and team leader
Customer: Large telecom operator (under NDA)
Employer: National Academy for Software Development –
Technologies: Java, Google Web Toolkit, Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, Hibernate, UI prototypes, technical architecture and design, database design, project management
Period: August 2007 – November 2007
Description: Open-source reusable table component (widget) for Google Web Toolkit (GWT). Supports paging, sorting, filtering and multiple selection.
Role: Project leader and principal developer
Customer: Open source project at Google Code –
Employer: Self employed
Technologies: Java, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), DOM, HTML, CSS
Period: March 2007 – August 2007
Description: Local search engine with large database of millions of business entities, Web based front end with rich AJAX user interface. Consists of searcher module, administration modules, statistics module, mobile search module, GIS module, payment gateway, SMS notification module, and others.
Role: Technical architect and team leader
Customer: iShoof –
Employer: National Academy for Software Development –
Technologies: Java, Oracle, PL/SQL, Hibernate, DHTML, JavaScript, AJAX, JavaServer Faces (JSF), Spring Framework, UML, requirements specification, UI prototypes, technical architecture and design, database design, project management
Period: March 2007 – July 2007
Description: CRM system for large chain of hairdressing studios. Manages employees, inventory, customers, services, payments, etc.
Role: Technical architect and team leader
Customer: Large chain of hairdressing studios (under NDA)
Employer: National Academy for Software Development –
Technologies: .NET Framework, C#, Windows Forms, NHibernate, SQL Server, database reports (ReportViewer), technical specification, UI prototyping, technical architecture and design, database design, project management
Period: March 2007 – May 2007
Description: A Web based CRM system that manages all the stages of a loan application and approval process in a financial institution in the Netherlands. Implements data entry, specific workflow, search and reporting.
Role: Team leader
Customer: Intershare B.V. –
Employer: National Academy for Software Development –
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, AJAX Controls Toolkit, NHibernate, MS SQL Server
Period: April 2007 – May 2007
Description: AJAX based Web application for secure storage and management of sensitive information like passwords with client-side encryption.
Role: Team leader
Customer: Intershare B.V. –
Employer: National Academy for Software Development –
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, AJAX Controls Toolkit, JavaScript, DHTML, NHibernate, MS SQL Server
Period: January 2007 – March 2007
Description: Complex manufacturing execution system (MES) for the electronics manufacturing activities of Plexus Corporation. Controls, tracks and measures critical production activities, provides increased traceability, productivity, and quality. Handled the "Unit Genealogy" module responsible for parts association, disassociation and tracking.
Role: Technical architect and team leader
Customer: Plexus Corp., Neenah, WI, USA –
Employer: National Academy for Software Development –
Technologies: .NET Framework, VB.NET, DotNetNuke, ASP.NET, AJAX, ADO.NET, SQL Server, T-SQL, MS Visio, UML, technical specification, UI prototyping, technical architecture and design with UML (use case, sequence, class, component and deployment diagrams), database design, project management
Period: November 2007 – December 2007
Recruitment of senior Java and embedded software engineers for building a development team for IDxS (, a Belgium company building RFID middleware platform and products.
Recruitment of IT manager for CBA Bulgaria (, a large chain of supermarkets.
Technologies: technical assessment, interviewing
Period: July 2006 – September 2006
Description: Coaching a full-time comprehensive practical course in Software Engineering with Java, Oracle, JDBC, Hibernate, Swing, Servlets, JSP, custom tags, JSTL, Tomcat, etc. Course program available from:
Role: Principal trainer
Customer: Acsior –
Employer: National Academy for Software Development –
Technologies: Java, Oracle, Hibernate, Swing, Tomcat, Servlets/JSP, custom tags, JSTL
Period: February 2006 – July 2006
Description: Development of training curriculum and teaching materials for a comprehensive practical course in Software Engineering with Java, Oracle, JDBC, Hibernate, Swing, Servlets, JSP, custom tags, JSTL, Tomcat, etc. About 2500 PowerPoint slides, 500 examples and demonstrations and 300 exercises. Course program:
Role: Project leader and principal writer
Customer: National Academy for Software Development –
Employer: National Academy for Software Development –
Technologies: Java, Oracle, Hibernate, Swing, Tomcat, Servlets/JSP, custom tags, JSTL, MS Word, MS PowerPoint
Period: November 2005 – February 2006
Description: Coaching a full-time comprehensive practical course in Software Engineering with .NET Framework, C#, MS SQL Server, ADO.NET, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, Web Services, etc. Course program available from:
Role: Principal trainer
Customer: Several software companies: telerik (, InterConsult Bulgaria (, Rila Solutions (
Employer: National Academy for Software Development –
Technologies: Microsoft .NET Framework, C#, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, SQL Server, XML.NET, XML Web-services, Remoting
Period: April 2005 – November 2005
Description: Writing of a comprehensive programming textbook "Programming for .NET Framework" (Volume 1 – 801 pages, ISBN 954-775-505-6 and Volume 2 – 1035 pages, ISBN 954-775-672-9) –
Role: Project leader, writer and reviewer
Customer: Open-source project
Employer: Bulgarian Association of Software Developers –
Technologies: Microsoft .NET Framework, C#, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, SQL Server, ADO.NET, XML.NET, XML Web-services, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, and many others
Period: August 2005 – September 2005
Description: Writing a textbook in Bulgarian language about digital signatures, PKI, digital certificates, Java cryptography, public/private key cryptography, keystores and smart cards (144 pages, ISBN 954-775-504-8) –
Role: Project leader and principal writer
Customer: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” –
Employer: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” –
Technologies: Java, PKI, digital signatures, digital certificates, PKCS#12, PKCS#11, Java cryptography, Java applets, Tomcat, Servlets, JSP, Struts framework, MS Word
Period: Mart 2004 – June 2005
Description: Development of a set of teaching materials for teaching a course on Microsoft .NET Framework with the C# language for the Bulgarian universities. Consists of presentations, lectures and exercises (about 1800 PowerPoint slides, 800 examples and 300 exercises).
Role: Project leader, principal writer and reviewer
Customer: Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom –
Employer: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” –
Technologies: Microsoft .NET Framework, C#, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, XML.NET, XML Web-services, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint
Period: October 2003 – February 2004
Description: Development of a set of teaching materials and textbook in Bulgarian language for teaching a course on Internet and Web development for the Java platform. The book “Internet programming with Java” (ISBN 954-775-305-3) is 233 pages and covers the Java I/O, multithreading, sockets and Web programming with Servlets, JSP and Tomcat.
Role: Project leader and principal writer
Customer: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” –
Employer: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” –
Technologies: Java I/O, multithreading, sockets, Servlets, JSP, Tomcat, MS Word
Period: July 2003 - September 2003
Description: Open-source framework that provides digital signature functionality in Java-based Web applications based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). It consists of a signed Java applet for digital signing of files at the client-side and Web application for verification of digital signatures, certificates and certificate chains at the server-side. Supports PKCS#12 keystores and PKCS#11 smart cards.
Role: Project leader and principal developer
Customer: Freeware open-source project –
Employer: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” –
Technologies: Java, Java Applets, JSP/Servlets, Apache Tomcat, Struts Web Application Framework, Apache Ant, Digital Signatures, X.509 Certificates, Java Cryptography Architecture, Java Certification Path API, PKCS#12, PKCS#11, Smart Cards
Period: June 2003 - July 2003
Description: Research project intended to create a bilingual electronic lexical reference system for the terminology of fine arts in Bulgarian and Russian. It consists of a database, keeping a dictionary of 5200 words along with some lexical relations between them (polysemy, synonymy, homonymy, antonymy and hyponymy) and a desktop client application that provides user interface for searching and navigation between the words.
Role: Principal developer
Customer: Freeware project –
Employer: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” –
Technologies: Delphi, VCL, MS Access, SQL, ADO, ActiveX, HTML, CSS
Period: October 2002 - June 2003
Description: Document management information system for handling the documentation of the Bulgarian National Securities Commission at the Bulgarian Government with Web-based interface and Swing administrative interface. It stores and handles documents that have dynamically defined and modifiable structure in order to meet the Securities Commission constantly changing needs. Supports also multiple versions, multiple structures (templates) and multiple languages for the documents.
Role: Senior developer
Customer: Bulgarian National Securities Commission, Sofia, Bulgaria –
Employer: TechnoLogica Ltd. –
Technologies: Java, ATW/Swing, JSP/Servlets, Oracle 9i Database, Business Components for Java (BC4J), Oracle Container for J2EE (OC4J), PKI, digital signatures, digital certificates (X.509), Java cryptography
Period: February 2002 - October 2002
Description: High-performance delivery platform for email marketing. Consists of spider for collecting email addresses, scanner for public proxy servers, anonymous mail dispatcher working as mail transport agent (MTA), coordination and repository server and a set of management tools. Deployed as distributed system on multiple servers on several locations.
Role: Project leader and principal developer
Customer: PM Marketing, USA –
Employer: Saga Technology –
Technologies: Delphi, MIDAS (3-tier architecture for Delphi distributed applications), COM, DCOM, VCL, InterBase SQL, XML, Win32 sockets (WinSock), asynchronous non-blocking sockets, multithreading and synchronization
Period: October 2001 - January 2002
Description: Online casino for playing poker in Internet in real time with rich Web interface based on macromedia Flash. Consists of complex server for handling the poker games, rules engine (Texas Holdem, 7 Card Stud, Omaha High), payments module, monitoring and administration module.
Role: Senior developer
Customer:, USA –
Employer: Musala Soft Ltd. –
Technologies: 3-tier architecture, Java, Oracle 9i Database, Oracle Real Application Cluster, SQL, PL/SQL, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, Tomcat, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Macromedia Flash, AWT/Swing UI
Period: August 2001 - October 2001
Description: Web-based system for administration of complex corporate asset repository
Role: Senior developer
Customer: Instill Corporation, USA –
Employer: Musala Soft Ltd. –
Technologies: 3-tier architecture, Java, BEA WebLogic Server, EJB, Oracle Database, SQL, PL/SQL, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, XML, XSL Transformations (XSLT), HTML, JavaScript
Period: July 2001 - August 2001
Description: Web-based issue tracking tool for managing projects, issues, tasks and defects. Provides multi-user access to a shared repository for issues.
Role: Senior developer
Customer: Musala Soft Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria –
Employment: Musala Soft Ltd. –
Technologies: Java, JSP, Servlets, Tomcat, Struts framework, InterBase, SQL, JDBC, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Period: March 2001 - June 2001
Description: Web-based system for internal administration of complex corporate information system.
Role: Developer
Customer: Instill Corporation, USA –
Employer: Musala Soft Ltd. –
Technologies: 3-tier architecture, Java, BEA WebLogic Server, EJB, Oracle database, SQL, PL/SQL, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, HTML, JavaScript
Period: September 2000 - March 2001
Description: CRM system for managing credit applications. Provides online access to leasing and financing programs through third-party lenders. Customers apply for loans online, the system checks their credit reports, estimates the risk and suggests further actions.
Role: Developer
Customer: Inc., USA –
Employer: Musala Soft Ltd. –
Technologies: 3-tier architecture, Java, Oracle database, SQL, PL/SQL, JDBC, Cold Fusion, Multithreading, Sockets, RMI, SSL/HTTPS, XML, PDF document generation
Period: May 2000 - September 2000
Description: Purchase and ordering system for Palm handheld devices.
Role: Developer
Customer: Instill Corporation, USA –
Employer: Musala Soft Ltd. –
Technologies: 3-tier architecture, Java, JDBC, SQL, C++, Multithreading, Sockets (Winsock, Java Sockets), XML, Palm OS programming (in C++)
Period: October 1999 - April 2000
Description: Information system for the public auctions for the Bulgarian government with Web-based access
Role: Developer
Customer: The Council of Ministers of the Bulgarian Government, Sofia, Bulgaria –
Employer: ComSoft Ltd. –
Technologies: 3-tier architecture, Oracle database, Oracle Developer 2000, SQL, PL/SQL, PHP, HTML, JavaScript
Period: September 1999 - March 2000
Description: Multimedia e-learning system for self-study of Danish language. Consists of content creation system and content viewer. Content is delivered as sequence of slides and exercises. Slides supports text materials, images, audio, video, and a wide range of functionality for exercises.
Role: Developer
Customer: Ministry of Education of Denmark, Denmark –
Employer: FoxWare Ltd.
Technologies: Delphi, VCL, Win32, multimedia, graphics and animation (GDI+), sound and video processing, COM, ActiveX, multithreading
Period: October 1998 - March 1999
Description: Billing and reporting system for digital and analog telephone centrals. Consists of repository containing information about telephone calls, gathered from telephone centrals through a modem connection. Provides various reports about the phone calls.
Role: Developer
Customer: Bulgarian Telecommunication Company (BTC), Bulgaria –
Employer: ArtCom Ltd., Veliko Tarnovo
Technologies: Client-server architecture, Delphi, VCL, Win32, self-made database
Web Services in Delphi – Technical consulting for Transoft Ltd., December 2006
FineArtsDict – Software for building bilingual computer terminological dictionaries, written in Delphi, 2003.
Nakov Forward Server – Open-source tool for transparent forwarding of TCP socket connections (TCP tunneling) with support for multiple target servers written in Java. Intended to simulate the load balancing hardware in test environment to test application server clustering and failover. Created in Musala Soft, November 2001.
Planinar – Small information system for the Bulgarian mountains, caves, tourists’ associations, huts and some extreme sports with Web-based interface, written in PHP and MySQL with use of CSS, HTML and JavaScript, 2000.
Star Game – 2D space battle simulation game, written in C++Builder, 2000.
Nakov Tester – Open-source software for testing and evaluating solutions of informatics problems, written in Delphi. Successfully used for evaluating the National Programming Olympiads and other programming contests like the programming contest of Musala Soft and PC Magazine Bulgaria ( Developed in Musala Soft, 2000.
Infoman – On-line journal about algorithms and programming contests. Founder and major editor (1998-1999). Today Infoman is the most popular portal for young informatics contestants in Bulgaria:
Rakiya for Windows – Multi-document text editor, organized in folders with data encryption, designed for keeping sensitive information like passwords, written in Delphi, 1998-1999.
Change Assistant – Accounting software for a small change bureau, written in Delphi, 1998-1999.
Shop Master – Accounting software for a small store, written in Turbo Pascal for DOS, 1997-1998.
Nakov Demo – 2D & 3D graphical demo, written in Pascal and Assembler (x86) for DOS real mode, 1997.
Nakov Cyr – Cyrillic keyboard and display driver for DOS, written entirely in Assembler for Intel 80286, 1996.
AKB Fores – Small information system for national trade organization, written in Turbo Pascal for DOS, 1996.
Govor – Text-to-speech utility for Bulgarian, written in Borland Pascal and Assembler (x86) for DOS, 1995.
Bronze Medal in the XI International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI99), Antalya, Turkey, 1999 –,
Bronze Medal in the X International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI98), Setubal, Portugal, 1998 –
Bronze Medal in the VII Balkan Olympiad in Informatics (BOI99), Ianina, Greece, 1999 –
Bronze Medal in the IV Balkan Olympiad in Informatics (BOI96), Nicosia, Cyprus, 1996 –
Participation in the III Balkan Olympiad in Informatics (BOI95), Varna, Bulgaria, 1995 –
Participation in ACM ICPC World Finals (as a trainer), Prague, Czech Republic, 2004 –
8-th prize in the ACM International Student’s Programming Contest, Bucharest, Romania, 1999 –
Participation in the ACM International Student’s Programming Contest, Bucharest, Romania, 2000 –
Participation in the ACM International Student’s Programming Contest, Bucharest, Romania, 2001 –
Award “John Atanassoff” of the Bulgarian President for Contribution to the Development of the Information and Computer Technologies and Information Society, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2004
National Diploma for excellent results and high achievements in the sphere of Computer Science – Ministry of Science and Education, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1999
Award “Citizen of Veliko Tarnovo of the Year” of the Veliko Tarnovo Municipality, Bulgaria, 2005
National Scholarship “John Atanassoff” for high achievements in the area of the Computer Science research, Evrika Foundation, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2003 –
Financial scholarship during the full time of studying – for excellent results and high achievements in the sphere of Computer Science – Evrika foundation, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1999 - 2003 –
1-st prize in the National Student’s Programming Contest, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2001
1-st prize in the National Student’s Programming Contest, American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad , Bulgaria, 2000
2-nd prize in the National Student’s Programming Contest (as a trainer), University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2004
3-rd prize in the final round of the National Olympiad in Informatics, Admission without exam in Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1999
1-st prize in the final round of the National Olympiad in Informatics, Admission without exam in Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1998
1-st prize and personal computer in the VI National Programming Contest of PC Magazine/Bulgaria and Rila Solutions, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2000
2-nd prize and scanner in the IV National Programming Contest of PC Magazine/Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1998
3-rd prize and color printer in the V National Programming Contest of PC Magazine/Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 1999
Very good results and admission without exam in Sofia University from the final round of the National Olympiad in Informatics, Veliko Tarnovo, 1996
Very good results and admission without exam in Sofia University from the final round of the National Olympiad in Informatics, Stara Zagora, 1995
1-st prize in the Spring Informatics Tournament, Blagoevgrad, 1998
1-st prize in the Spring Informatics Tournament, Yambol, 1997
1-st prize in the Science-Technical Programming Contest, Blagoevgrad, 1994
1-st prize in the National Programming Contest of English Language and Computing Schools “Pharos”, 1994
1-st prize in the National Science-Technical Programming Contest, Smolian, 1995
2-nd prize in the Students Section of the 26-th Spring Conference of the Bulgarian Mathematicians Union, Mathematics and Informatics Contest and Software Development Contest, Plovdiv, 1997
2-nd prize in the National Contest for Software Development, Smolian, 1997
2-nd prize in the Students Section of the 24-th Spring Conference of the Bulgarian Mathematicians Union, Software Development Competition, Svishtov, 1995
2-nd prize in the National Contest in Informatics, Rousse, 1996
2-nd prize in the Winter Mathematical Festivals, National Programming Contest, Pleven, 1994
2-nd prize in the National Contest in Informatics “Chernorizetz Hrabar”, Stara Zagora, 1996
3-rd prize in the Spring Informatics Tournament, Yambol, 1995
3-rd prize in the Winter Mathematics Festivals, National Informatics Contest, Varna, 1995
3-rd prize in the National Science-Technical Programming Contest, Blagoevgrad, 1993
3-rd prize in the Winter Mathematics Festivals, National Informatics Contest, Pleven, 1992
3-rd prize in the Final Standings of the National Informatics Contest of “Computer” Magazine, 1998
3-rd prize in the Final Standings of the National Informatics Contest of “Computer” Magazine, 1996
4-rd prize in the Final Standings of the National Informatics Contest of “Computer” Magazine, 1994
Note: A copy of some of the certificates for these awards can be obtained from
Training course ".NET for Java Developers" at VMware Inc. – October 2007
Java Web Development course at Formula Telecom Solutions, August 2007 –
Introduction to operating systems, networking, Internet, databases and programming – training course at Netage Solutions, July 2007 –
Training course "Java Fundamentals" at Index Bulgaria, June 2007 –
Part-time lecturer in the course "Core C++ Programming" for Euro Games Technology (EGT) at the National Academy for Software Development, April 2007 – June 2007 –
Part-time lecturer for the course NETB358 (Java Programming), New Bulgarian University, February 2007 – June 2007 –
Part-time lecturer for the course NETB368 – (Development of System and User Applications with Java), New Bulgarian University, February 2007 – June 2007 –
Hibernate and database development course at ICYGEN, May 2007 –
Software Engineering with Java – training course at Melexis, May 2007 –
Hibernate and database development course at Mobiltel EAD, May 2007 –
Java and Software Engineering course at Mobiltel EAD, April 2007 –
Hibernate Essentials – training course at the National Academy for Software Development, February 2007 –
Part-time lecturer in “Programming for .NET 2.0” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, 250 students, winter semester, 2006-2007 –
Part-time lecturer in “Java Web Applications Development” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, 140 students, winter semester, 2006-2007 –
Hibernate Essentials – training course at EDS Egypt, subcontractor of Linux-Plus Information Systems, Cairo, Egypt, November 2006 –,
Java and PKI training course at ValuePOS, Bulgaria, September 2006 –
Full-time lecturer in “Core Java Development” course for Acsior Ltd. in National Academy for Software Developers, July 2006 – September 2006 –
Part-time lecturer in “Core .NET Development” in National Academy for Software Developers, June 2006 – October 2006 –
.NET Framework and database applications – training course at EPIQ Electronic Assembly, Botevgrad, Bulgaria, July 2006 –
Full-time lecturer in “Microsoft .NET Enterprise Development” in National Academy for Software Developers, November 2005 – February 2006 –
Part-time lecturer in “Design Patterns in C#” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, 280 students, summer semester, 2006 –
Part-time lecturer in “Programming for the .NET Framework” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, 270 students, winter semester, 2005-2006 –
Part-time lecturer in “High-Quality Programming Code” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, 250 students, summer semester, 2005 –
Trainer for Java training course at Xpeqt Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria 2004 –
Part-time lecturer in “Programming for the .NET Framework” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, 250 students, winter semester, 2004-2005 –
Part-time lecturer in “Internet Programming with Java” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, summer semester, 2004, auditory of 350 students –
Part-time lecturer in “Network Security – Part 2” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, summer semester, 2004, auditory of 100 students –
Part-time lecturer in “Network Security” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, winter semester, 2003-2004, auditory of 400 students –
Part-time lecturer in “Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, winter semester, 2003-2004, auditory of 300 students –
Part-time lecturer in “Programming for the .NET platform” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, summer semester, 2003, auditory of 300 students –
Part-time lecturer in “High-Quality Programming Code Construction” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, winter semester, 2002-2003, auditory of 250 students –
Part-time lecturer in “Network Security” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, winter semester, 2002-2003, auditory of 350 students –
Part-time lecturer in “Internet Programming with Java” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, summer semester, 2002, auditory of 450 students –
Java programming instructor at Kontrax Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, 2000 –
Assistance in “Mobile Technologies and .NET Compact Framework” in Sofia University, Faculty of mathematics and Informatics, prof. Sylvia Ilieva, May, 2004
Assistant in “Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, prof. Preslav Nakov, winter semester, 2000-2001, auditory of 180 students –
Assistant in “Data Structures in C++” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, assoc. prof. Magdalina Todorova, Ph.D., summer semester, 2001
Assistant in “Introduction to Programming in Java” in Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, prof. Maria Ganeva, summer semester, 2000
"Software Engineering Fundamentals", Speaker at a seminar in the technological school "Electronic Systems", Sofia, Bulgaria, November 2007 –
".NET 2.0 Applications Security", Speaker at Microsoft DevDays 2007, May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria –
"Agile Methodologies for Software Development", Speaker at Microsoft DevDays 2007, May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria –
"Agile Development and Extreme Programming", Speaker at a technical seminar "Software Engineering and Beyond" organized by the Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD), June 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria –
"Introduction to Software Engineering", Speaker at a technical seminar "Software Engineering and Beyond" organized by the Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD), June 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria –
"Database Design with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio", Speaker in Technical University – Sofia and Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", December 2006
"Software Configuration Management Fundamentals", Speaker at the technical seminar "Software Configuration Management and Source Control Repositories" organized by the Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD), November 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria
Seminar "Relational Databases and SQL Server 2005 – Theory and Practice", Speaker in Technical University – Sofia, New Bulgarian University, Technical University – Varna, Varna Free University, University of Economics – Varna, October 2006
"Developing Web Portals with ASP.NET Web Parts", Speaker at the "Computer Space 2006", November 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria –
“The Way of the Bulgarian Software Developer”, Lecturer at the festival “International Media Awards for Web”, June, 2006, Albena, Bulgaria –
"High-Quality Programming Code", Lecturer at the Technical University – Sofia, April 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria –
“Regular Expressions” – Lecture at the WebTech 2005 conference – Nakov S., Penkov G., April 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria –
“Software Technologies for the e-Business” – Lecture in the American College of Sofia, April 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria –
“New Features in .NET CLR 2.0”; "How to teach .NET Framework" – Series of lectures during the Microsoft Developer's Day in several Bulgarian universities (Technical University of Sofia, University of Rousse, Technical University of Varna, Varna Free University, Technical University Sofia, Branch Plovdiv, University of Plovdiv, Bourgas Free University), April - May 2005, Bulgaria
"High-Quality Programming Code", Lecturer at the University of Veliko Tarnovo, January 2005, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria –
“FABRIQ – A Message-Oriented Architecture for High-Performance Distributed Calculations” – Series of lectures during the Microsoft Developer's Day in the Bulgarian Universities (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Technical University – Sofia, Technical University - Varna, Technical University – Gabrovo, University of Rousse "Angel Kanchev", D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics – Svishtov), November - December 2004, Bulgaria
“Microsoft .NET Framework – Short Overview” – Lecture at the seminar “Oracle 9i and 10 g – Database Issues", Bulgarian Oracle User Group, November, 2004, Triavna, Bulgaria –
"High-Quality Programming Code", Honorable lecture during the St. Kliment's Days in Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" – Nakov S., Kulov M., Ivanov G., November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
“New Features in JDK 1.5” – Lecturer on the Annual Technical Seminar of BASD, ISECA and LIO, July 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria –
“Presentation of the Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD)” – Lecturer on the Annual Technical Seminar of BASD, ISECA and LIO, July 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria –
“Implementing Application Security Using the Microsoft .NET Framework” – Lecturer on the National Conference "Information Technologies in the Education - A Necessary Investment for the Future of Bulgaria", April 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
“Digital Signing of Documents on the Web – Java-based Open-source Framework”, Lecturer during the WebTech 2004, March 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria –
“Borland Janeva: .NET Interoperability with J2EE and CORBA” – Lecturer during the Microsoft and Borland Developer's Day, February 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
“The secrets of .NET Windows Forms and DataGrid” – Lecturer during the Microsoft and Borland Developer's Day, February 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
“Network Security and Network Attacks” – Honorable lecture during the St. Kliment's Days in Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" – Bachvarov A., Kolev V., Chorbadzhiyski G., Nakov S., Nedyalkov N., Pentchev P., November 26, 2003, Sofia, Bulgaria
“Implementing Application Security Using the Microsoft .NET Framework”, Lecturer on the National Conference "Information Technologies in the Education - A Necessary Investment for the Future of Bulgaria", April 9, 2004, Sofia
“Microsoft .NET Framework Overview” – Series of lectures during the Microsoft Developer's Day in the Bulgarian universities (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Technical University – Sofia, Higher College of Telecommunications and Posts, American University in Bulgaria – Blagoevgrad, Academy of the Ministry of Interior – Sofia, University of National and World Economy, University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski", Technical University – Varna, Technical University – Gabrovo, University of Rousse "Angel Kanchev", D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics – Svishtov) – December 2003 - March 2004, Bulgaria
“Public Key Infrastructure and Applications” – Lecturer at First National Conference "The Universal Digital Signature – Confidence and Security", June 28, 2003, Kranevo, Bulgaria –
“The J2EE Platform” – Lecturer at Bulgarian Oracle User Group seminar, June 27, 2003, Sofia, Bulgaria –
"Network Security and Hackers Attacks" – Lecturer at the Spring International Educational Seminar on Computer Networks organized by the Board of European Students of Technology (, April, 2003, Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria
“Software Engineering” – Instructor during the educational programs for the National Health Insurance Fund delivered by TechnoLogica Ltd., January, 2003, Veliko Tarnovo and Plovdiv, Bulgaria
“Best Practices in J2EE Programming Models” – Lecturer at Bulgarian Oracle User Group seminar, September 27-29, 2002, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria –
“JBuilder 4.0 - New Features” – Lecturer at Plovdiv International Fair, September 2000, Plovdiv, Bulgaria –
“Internet and the Teaching by Informatics in the School” – Speaker at the fourth annual meeting of the I*EARN coordinators in Central/Eastern Europe and Central Asia (organized by “Open Society” foundation), March 13-18, 1999, Bled, Slovenia
“The Role of Internet in Informatics Contests Training” – Speaker at the first Balkan I*EARN conference (organized by “Open Society” foundation), November 25-29, 1998, Sofia, Bulgaria
Member of the International Jury at the festival “International Media Awards for Web”, Albena, Bulgaria, 2006 –
Member of the Jury of the V National IT Olympiad, Montana, Bulgaria, 2007 –
Member of the Jury of the contest "Code Racers", organized by Johnson Controls, Sofia, Bulgaria, February 2007 –
Member of the Jury of the IV National IT Olympiad, Ribaritsa, Bulgaria, 2006 –
Principal organizer and chairman of the Jury, a programming contest sponsored by Telerik Corp., Sofia, Bulgaria, August-September 2005 –
Member of the Jury of the III National IT Olympiad, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005 –
Member of the Jury of the National Programming Contest “Usability and Accessibility”, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 2005
Member of the Jury of the VI National Programming Contest of PC Magazine/Bulgaria and Musala Soft, author of the final round problem, 2001 –
Coach for the team of Sofia University participating in the ACM ICPC Programming Contest, 2003 - 2004 –
Nakov S. & Co., Programming for .NET Framework, Volume 1, 801 pages, Faber Publishing, Veliko Tarnovo, 2005, ISBN 954-775-505-6 –
Nakov S. & Co., Programming for .NET Framework, Volume 2, 1032 pages, Faber Publishing, Veliko Tarnovo, 2006, ISBN 954-775-672-9 –
Nakov S., Internet Programming with Java, 230 pages, Faber Publishing, Veliko Tarnovo, 2004, ISBN 954-775-305-3 –
Nakov S., Java for Digitally Signing Documents on the Web, 144 pages, Faber Publishing, Veliko Tarnovo, 2005, 954-775-504-8 –
Nakov P., Nakov S., Paskaleva E., Improved Word Alignments Using the Web as a Corpus, Proceedings of the International Conference RANLP 2007 (Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing), pp. 400-405, ISBN 978-954-91743-7-3, Borovets, Bulgaria, 27-29 September 2007
Nakov S., Nakov P., Paskaleva E., Cognate or False Friend? Ask the Web!, Proceedings of the International Workshop "Acquisition and Management of Multilingual Lexicons", part of the International Conference RANLP 2007, pp. 55-62, ISBN 978-954-452-004-5, Borovets, Bulgaria, 30 September 2007
Atanassova I., Nakov S., Selecting Orthographical Dictations with a Help of a Computer, Proceedings from a Conference "Language and Strategies in Education", pp. 382-394, ISBN 954-524-475-5, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 2005
Atanassova I., Nakov S., Nakov P., FineArtsDict – Software for Creating and Maintaining Bilingual Computer Explanatory Dictionaries, Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Symposium MAPRIAL 2004, pp. 11-13, ISBN 86-7391-012-9, Belgrade, Serbia, June 2004
Atanassova I., Nakov S., Computer in Help of Professors in Creating Exercises in Practical Russian Grammar, Compilation of Scientific Papers "Dynamics of the Processes in the Language: History and Modernity", pp. 342-353, ISBN 954-580-161-1, Sofia, 2004
Atanassova I., Nakov S., Nakov P., ArtsSemNet: From Bilingual Dictionary to Bilingual Semantic Network, Proceedings of the Workshop on Balkan Language Resources and Tools at the First Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI 2003), Thessaloniki, Greece, 21 November 2003 –
Atanassova I., Nakov P., Nakov S., ArtsSemNet: A Bilingual Semantic Network for Bulgarian and Russian Fine Arts Terminology, Proceedings of the BulMET National Scientific-Practical Conference, pp. 222-229, ISSN 1310-9278, Varna, Bulgaria, May 2003
Atanassova I., Nakov P., Nakov S., Technique of Semantic for Automatic Hyponym Chains Extraction from Terminological Dictionaries, Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Symposium MAPRIAL 2002, pp. 309-314, ISBN 954-775-151-4, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, April 2002
Atanassova I., Nakov P., Nakov S., Information Technologies Helping the Linguist-Explorer, Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Symposium MAPRIAL 2002, pp. 304-309, ISBN 954-775-151-4, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, April 2002
"Java Applet for Signing with a Smart Card", Nakov S., Nedyalkov N.,, February, 2006 –
"Java Servlets, Web-applications and Tomcat Server", WebDevMagazine, October 2004
“Digital Documents Signing in Java-based Web Applications – Part 5 - NakovDocumentSigner: A System for Digitally Signing Documents in Web Applications”, Portal for Software Development Resources, 1/2004 –
“Digital Documents Signing in Java-based Web Applications – Part 4 - Problems with Digital Signing of Documents in Web-based Systems”, Portal for Software Development Resources, 12/2003 –
“Digital Documents Signing in Java-based Web Applications – Part 3 - Using Digital Signatures and Certificates in Java”,, 11/2003 –
“Digital Documents Signing in Java-based Web Applications – Part 2 - How Digital Signatures Work”,, 10/2003 –
“Digital Documents Signing in Java-based Web Applications – Part 1 - Introduction”,, 09/2003 –
“Internet Programming with Java – Part 8 – Java Server Pages; Sample Web Application”, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 1/2003 –
“Internet Programming with Java – Part 7 – Using HTML Forms; Servlets Lifecycle; Using Sessions”, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 11/2002 –
“Internet Programming with Java – Part 6 – Web Programming Base Concepts; Servlets; Tomcat Server”, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 10/2002 –
“Internet Programming with Java – Part 5 – Java Applets and Security; Web Applications in J2EE; Web Servers; Bases of the HTTP Protocol”, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 9/2002 –
“Internet Programming with Java – Part 4 – Java Applets”, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 8/2002 –
“Internet Programming with Java – Part 3 – UDP Sockets; Multicast Sockets; Accessing URL Resources”, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 7/2002 –
“Internet Programming with Java – Part 2 – Thread Synchronization; TCP Sockets”, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 6/2002 –
“Internet Programming with Java – Part 1 – Bases on Internet; Input/Output; Multithreading”, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 5/2002 –
“JBuilder 4 – A Powerful Development Environment”, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 1/2001 –
“Web Programming with Java Server Pages”, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 8/2000 –
“Java Servlets – Introduction to Web Programming”, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 5/2000 –
“Delphi 5 – A Look to the Web”, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 10/1999 –
Infoman Magazine – – Founder and major editor during 1998-1999, more than 30 articles about algorithms and informatics problems, 1/1998, 2/1998, 3/1998, 4/1998, 5/1998, 6/1998, 7/1998, 8/1999, 9/1999, 10/1999, 11/1999, 12/1999, 13/1999, 14/1999, 15/1999, 16/1999
Phreedom Magazine – – Several articles concerning Internet and network security, 9/1998, 10/1998, 16/1998, 21/1999
Microsoft Certified Professional – Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Application Development Foundation (Exam 70-536), December/2006
MCP Transcript ID: 747580 (Access Code: svetlinnakov)
Master Delphi Programmer, issued by BrainBench, 1998 –
Master C Programmer, issued by BrainBench, 1999 –
C++ Programmer, issued by BrainBench, 2000 –
Completed Extreme Programming and eXPERT development methodologies courses, issued by the Center for European RTD Projects, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” –
Driving License – category B, M
Professional speleologist certificate, issued by the Bulgarian Federation of Speleology –
2-nd prize in the National Speleological Contest “Germanka”, Sozopol, 2003
Chairman of the Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD), 2004-now –
Leader of the Bulgarian Java User Group (BGJUG), a chapter of the Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD), 2007-now –
Leader of the Bulgarian .NET User Group, a chapter of the Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD), member of INETA, 2007-now –
Member of the SofiaDev .NET User Group, 2004-now –
Member of the Association for Information Security (ISECA), 2004-now –
Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), USA, 2000-2003 –
Member of the Borland Society Bulgaria, 2001-2002 –
Member of the Bulgarian Oracle User Group (BGOUG), 2000-2002 –
Co-founder and member of the Association for Advanced Studies, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AASIE), 2004-now –
Computational Linguistics and Natural Languages Processing (NLP)
Practical Training of Software Engineers
Object-Oriented Modeling and Software Design
High-Quality Programming Code Construction
Distributed Systems
Mobile Technologies
Database Development
Network Security, PKI
Data Structures and Algorithms
Business Process Modeling
Bulgarian – native
English – fluent
Russian – good
Last updated: 11/2007