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Thoughts on Software Engineering

Seminar for PHP Developers: PHP on the Microsoft Platform

I am invited to be а speaker at the upcomming seminar for PHP and Web developers that will focus on the integration of PHP with the Microsoft technologies and platforms. The speakers will demonstrate how to run PHP in IIS and how to integrate PHP and .NET applications.

My talk will focus on the technologies for using .NET Framework functionality and code from PHP applications. I will demonstrate how to write a plug-in for WordPress in C#.

The event will be held on 30 June 2009, 17:00 h at Ilieff Center, Students town, Sofia. All Web developers are welcome. The seminar is free.

Download my presentation here: Nakov-Integrating-PHP-and-MS.NET-v1.0.ppt.

Download my demo project – WordPress plugin for downloading a blog post as PDF document (written in C#):

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