Recently I had a talk titled “AI for Business and Startups” at Innowave Summit 2023 conference, where I demonstrated how to use modern generative AI tools for many tasks to boost your business or startup. I share my slides, which are full of demo prompts and sample results: Download my slides and demo resources: This
A guideline about starting your first job as a software developer: learn coding, develop tech skills, create a GitHub portfolio of projects, carefully apply for a job with CV, cover letter and portfolio, take the tech interview and get hired.
this tutorial, we will create our URL Shortener using JavaScript. We will be using Expres.JS for creating the server-side web application and Pug as a template engine.
For this video, we will make an overview of software engineering concepts like software development lifecycle, software quality assurance, unit testing, source control systems, and project trackers. Each concept is essential for your development as a software engineer!
In this article, our friend Niki Lubomirov will show us how to create a flappy bird game using Unity and C#. Unity is, essentially, a well-rounded game engine that truly does simplify game development. While there may be better engines to choose from, learning Unity will only help you grow as a game developer.
I am happy to publish my Free Java Foundations Full Course (30 hours video tutorial + 74 hands-on exercises). This course is designed as next step after the “Java Basics” free course. It will help you learn the core of programming with Java, using a practical, hands-on approach. In this free Java programming course I
I recently published a free video lesson about the concepts of functional programming, where I explained and demonstrated the functional programming paradigm. Learn more at Functional programming (FP) is a style of programming based on composing pure functions, while avoiding shared state, mutable data, and side-effects. It’s important, because most modern mainstream programming languages (like JavaScript, Python,
I am happy to publish my free Java coding basics course for absolute beginners in computer programming (13 hours video tutorial + 74 hands-on exercises). This is an excellent Java coding video tutorial, which gets deep into basic programming concepts, such as coding techniques, algorithmic thinking, problem solving and debugging. Access the free Java coding