High-Quality Programming Code Course @ TU-Sofia
The course “High-Quality Programming Code” provides fundamental principles and practices for building high-quality software with focus on the source code. The course is held as elective training in the Technical University of Sofia (TU-Sofia) and targets the students from the computer science related specialties. Its aims are to improve junior developers showing them best programming practices.
Started at 10 February 2010
The course started on 10 February 2010 and the main lecturer Svetlin Nakov explained the students what is high-quality software and introduced the concept of writing high-quality progamming code:
Course Objectives
The main objective of the course is to introduce the students to the principles of high-quality programming code construction during the software development process. The quality of the code is discussed in its most important characteristics – correctness, readability and maintainability. Two fundamental concepts – “loose coupling” and “strong cohesion” are defined and their effect on the construction of classes and subroutines is discussed. Best practices for organization of the methods, logical programming constructs as well as some methodologies for testing, debugging and code optimization are explained.
The course is attended by nearly 150 students:
The course will end with an assessment based on test (theory) and course project (practice). The test consists of 35 questions covering the course content. The course project has two parts: entrance project (small programming problem that should be solved in C #, Java or C++) and final project (refactoring of low-quality code and adding unit tests). Students from the Technical University will refactor the code written by their colleagues from Sofia University and vice versa. This will make an informal competition between the universities and will promote writing low quality code at the entrance projects and delivering high-quality code with the final project.
Certification and Awards
Best students will be awarded with certificates and awards from our sponsor: SoftUni (https://softuni.bg).
More Information
More information on the official web site of the course: https://softuni.bg.