Category: .net


Using Oracle Membership Provider in a Transaction

October 25, 2009
ASP.NET membership providers are nice framework for managing users and roles in ASP.NET Web applications but they have a strong weakness: they do not support transactions. Why We Need Transactions During User Registration? We may need to use transactions for example when we want to register new user account, assign few roles to it and

DevReach 2009: 12-13 October in Bulgaria

September 22, 2009
All .NET and Microsoft oriented developers are invited to DevReach 2009 conference – the premier conference for Microsoft technologies for the Balkans and Eastern Europe region. This year the conference attracts distinguished speakers who will deliver talks about Silverlight, WPF, ASP.NET 4.0, ASP.NET MVC, AJAX, IIS 7, Visual Studio 2010, SharePoint, SQL Server 2008, business

Universal Relative to Physical Path Converter for Windows Forms / ASP.NET / WPF / Console Apps

July 14, 2009
The .NET Framework does not provide standard functionality for resolving a path relative to the application root to a physical file system path. Thus in ASP.NET Web applications we need to use Server.MapPath(), but in console and Windows Forms / WPF applications we need to rely on the current directory. Moreover if we run a

Enumerate All COM Ports and Find Their Name and Description in C#

May 10, 2009
I needed to enumerate all COM ports in C# and get their name (e.g. COM1, COM2, …) and their description shown in the Windows Device Manager (e.g. “Communications Port”, “RT USB MRTD Reader”). You could find lots of unmanaged code for doing this but I think this C# code could be helpful to people who

Accessing Microsoft CRM from .NET Application

July 31, 2008
Today a customer of mine requested to integrate our ASP.NET based Web application with Microsoft CRM 3.0. Initially I thought this will be a simple task but few hours later I found that this is not straightforward. Accessing MS CRM 3.0 from .NET The best way to access MS CRM 3.0 from .NET application is

Third IT Boxing Match: Platforms for Enterprise Development, Web Services and SOA

June 21, 2008
Finally I am ready with the preparation of the third IT Boxing event for software engineers – 25 June 2008, in Sofia. IT Boxing Championship: Platforms for Enterprise Development, Web Services and SOA (Java vs. .NET) Date: 25 June 2008 (Thursday), 18:00 h Location: Park Hotel “Moscow”, Sofia, Hall “Moscow” Sponsored by: Telerik and VMWare

My .NET Development Team Launched an Online Room Rental Service at

June 16, 2008
After 5 months development my .NET engineering team launched an unique service in Internet – online venues rental Web portal ( eVenues is a new online service that aggregates available meeting room space and connects prospective “space renters” with “space providers”. Today, many companies have meeting room space that sits vacant for hours/days. By enabling

Building Data Driven Applications with LINQ-to-SQL and ASP.NET: The Session-Per-Request Pattern for ASP.NET

May 16, 2008
In this article I will focus on buiding the data access layer in ASP.NET 3.5 Web applications with LINQ to SQL and SQL Server. Lots of articles introduce the LINQ technology, the LINQ to SQL object-relational mapping technology and ASP.NET 3.5 so I will skips these introduction and will explain the main problem I found