За любителите на алгоритмите и програмирането имаме прекрасна новина. Една от най-известните книги за алгоритми, структури от данни и състезателно програмиране в България “Програмиране=++Алгоритми;” е вече достъпна за безплатно изтегляне в PDF формат. Изтеглете безплатно книгата “Програмиране = ++ Алгорими;” на Преслав Наков и Панайот Добриков Книгата се препоръчва за начинаещи и напреднали в състезателното
Dr. Svetlin Nakov is author / co-author of 15+ books on computer programming and software development. Get the latest list of Nakov’s books from: https://introprogramming.info Nakov’s books focus on topics such as basics of coding, problem solving, basic data structures and algorithms, principles of computer programming, Java, JavaScript, Python, .NET development, C#, C++, cryptography, and
This page is highly outdated and is no longer updated. Scientific Conference Papers Nakov S. Automatic Identification of False Friends in Parallel Corpora: Statistical and Semantic Approach. Serdica Journal of Computing, volume 3, pp. 133-158, ISSN 1312-6555, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2009 (in English) PDF file Nakov S., Nakov P., Paskaleva E. Unsupervised Extraction of False Friends
Svetlin Nakov has 20+ years of technical background as software engineer, software project manager, consultant, trainer and entrepreneur with rich experience with Web development, information systems, databases, blockchain, cryptography, .NET, Java EE, JavaScript, PHP, Python and software engineering. He is the leading author of 15 books on computer programming, software technologies, cryptography, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python and
I am invited to be а speaker at the upcomming seminar for PHP and Web developers that will focus on the integration of PHP with the Microsoft technologies and platforms. The speakers will demonstrate how to run PHP in IIS and how to integrate PHP and .NET applications. My talk will focus on the technologies
As part of my PhD research I attended the RANLP 2007 conference in Borovets, Bulgaria (Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing – 2007) to present two scientific papers and a novel algorithm for measuring semantic similarity between words by searching Google and analyzing the local contexts comming for the returned page excerpts. Improved Word Alignments