
Безплатни курсове по Web Front-End Development и Software Quality Assurance

February 10, 2011
От името на Академията на Телерик имам удоволствието да поканя всички талантливи, умни и мотивирани млади хора да се включат в няколко безплатни курса по практическа разработка на софтуер, които организираме през пролетта на 2011 г. в София. Безплатен курс „Web Front-End Development“ Курсът „Web Front-End Development“ дава задълбочени познания и умения за разработка на

High-Quality Code Course – Open for All Universities in Sofia

January 31, 2011
I am happy to announce that I and my team of experienced speakers will teach the “High Quality Code Construction” course again starting in February. The course will be held in Sofia University at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics and in parallel in the Telerik Academy (for students from TU-Sofia, NBU and UNIBIT). Students

Svetlin Nakov – University Courses

September 5, 2010
This page is no longer maintained. For the most recent courses I teach, visit the SoftUni: Open courses @ SoftUni The software engineering program @ SoftUni JS-Apps JS-Advanced programming Java Basics Full Course (13 Hours) – October 2021 (October 2021, The “Java Basics Full Course“ develops basic coding skills with the Java language. It

Summer Research Workshop for High School Students 2010 – My Lectures

July 23, 2010
I was a speaker at the Summer Research Workshop for High School Students, organized by the Students Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, which was held in Varna in July 2010. I had few talks and demonstrations about high-quality programming code, refactoring of bad source code and unit testing. All interested students can download the presentations