This page is outdated and is no longer updated. My Google Scholar Profile My Research Gate Profile Open Source Toolkit for Extraction of Cognates and False Friends (TECFF) (September 2009) The Open Source Toolkit for Extraction of Cognates and False Friends (TECFF) implements the most significant algorithms designed as part of my research
For one of my recent projects I needed to implement X.509 certificate validation library that validates a certificate across given set of trusted root certificated and a set of intermediate certificate. Initially I thought this is a problem that has already out-of-the-box solution in BouncyCastle but the CRL verification was found to be unpleasant to
In the last year I am actively conducting research in computational linguistics and natural language processing. My PhD thesis concerns identification of cognates and false friends between Bulgarian and Russian. In short, false friends are pairs of words in two languages that sound similar but differ in their meaning. Identification of false friends is related