IT Professions, Digitalization and The Future
December 16, 2022
I had a talk about the IT professions and their future and I explained why the IT and tech jobs will dominate in the next few decades and how the digital transformation will make all industries smarter and more efficient. I share with you my slides: The Professions in the IT Industry The landscape of
Класиране на кандидатите за безплатно обучение и работа по програмата “Академия на Телерик”
November 16, 2010
Няколко дни преди началото на програмата “Академия на Телерик” за задълбочено безплатно обучение и работа в областта на софтуерното инженерство в един от най-добрите работодатели в България имам радостта да обявя класирането на кандидатите за участие в програмата. Нови специалности и по-голям брой места Тази година, във втория пореден сезон на Академията, разширяваме броя на
Bulgarian University Ranking System
November 8, 2010
I am very happy about the recently published ranking system for the Bulgarian universities. This is great idea and it is nice to have it in Bulgaria. Modern countries have similar ranking system for decades. For example: World’s Best Universities for 2010 United States Universities Ranking for 2010 It is important that in the United
Dependency Injection seminar – 27.10.2010, 19:30, TU-Sofia, 1153
October 25, 2010
I am happy to announce that the Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD) jointly with with the Student’s Council of the Technical University of Sofia organize a lecture on Dependency Injection (DI), a design pattern widely used in the contemporary software design and architectures. The event will take place in the Technical University of Sofia
Summer Research Workshop for High School Students 2010 – My Lectures
July 23, 2010
I was a speaker at the Summer Research Workshop for High School Students, organized by the Students Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, which was held in Varna in July 2010. I had few talks and demonstrations about high-quality programming code, refactoring of bad source code and unit testing. All interested students can download the presentations
Students IT Olympiad – Varna 2010 – My Lectures
May 30, 2010
The final round of the Bulgarian IT Olympiad for school students was held on 29-30 May 2010 in Varna. I was invited to be part of the judge team in the category “Software Applications”. The reglament of the Olympiad says that students develop software at home and presents the results at the Olympiad. The most
Course “High-Quality Programming Code” in FMI and TU-Sofia
January 19, 2010
Starting from February 2010 I will lead a team of software engineering professionals from Telerik Corporation who will teach the course “High-Quality Programming Code” in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI) at Sofia University and at the Technical Univesity – Sofia (TU-Sofia). The course complements the fundamental university education with important software development and
Seminar “Practical Software Engineering” in TU-Sofia – 8 February 2010
January 1, 2010
I was recently invited by the Board of European Students of Technology (B.E.S.T. Sofia) to give a talk on “Practical Software Engineering Fundamentals” in the Technical University of Sofia. The event is designed for students who wants to become software engineers. Venue: TU-Sofia, hall 1153 Date: 8 February (Monday), 18:00 Software engineering defines the software