Svetlin Nakov – University Courses
September 5, 2010
This page is no longer maintained. For the most recent courses I teach, visit the SoftUni: Open courses @ SoftUni The software engineering program @ SoftUni JS-Apps JS-Advanced programming Java Basics Full Course (13 Hours) – October 2021 (October 2021, The “Java Basics Full Course“ develops basic coding skills with the Java language. It
Svetlin Nakov – Books
Dr. Svetlin Nakov is author / co-author of 15+ books on computer programming and software development. Get the latest list of Nakov’s books from: Nakov’s books focus on topics such as basics of coding, problem solving, basic data structures and algorithms, principles of computer programming, Java, JavaScript, Python, .NET development, C#, C++, cryptography, and