In the training department of Telerik Corporation we have a new project called Telerik School Academy. Telerik School Academy is an initiative for conducting a series of free trainings in software engineering with C# and .NET Framework for high school students, helping them to prepare themselves for the National IT Olympiad. The training events will
The Telerik Academy free training program for .NET software engineers is an exciting opportunity for smart and motivated young people to be trained for 6 months for real world software engineers and start their professional career. C# Fundamentals Course – Part I We started our first training season in March 2010 with free C# programming
The course “High-Quality Programming Code” provides fundamental principles and practices for building high-quality software with focus on the source code. The course is held as elective training in the Technical University of Sofia (TU-Sofia) and targets the students from the computer science related specialties. Its aims are to improve junior developers showing them best programming