Настоящата статия ви дава препоръка как да изберете университет по специалности, свързани със софтуерно инженерство, програмиране, разработка на софтуер, информатика, компютърни науки и всичко останало, свързано с компютърните и информационните технологии. Направено е сравнение на водещите български университети и са обяснени техните силни и слаби страни, както и в кои специалности кои университети са най-добри.
Last month I was invited by Microsoft to an interview in their largest European development center in Dublin. It was exciting trip and real challenge to see the Microsoft development live. I was excited of their professionalism in all directions: Professional organization – phone interviews, invitation, flight, accomodation, etc. Nearly perfect development process – like
A week ago I visited Google in Zurich, Switzerland. Initially I didn’t consider working in Google and changing my job. During the years many of their recruiters asked me once monthly (at average) to join Google. I had so much invitations to join Google in Mountain View, Zurich, Munich and other locations that I finally