How to Make Your Own Flappy Bird Game in Unity and C#?
February 9, 2022
In this article, our friend Niki Lubomirov will show us how to create a flappy bird game using Unity and C#. Unity is, essentially, a well-rounded game engine that truly does simplify game development. While there may be better engines to choose from, learning Unity will only help you grow as a game developer.
Free Java Video Tutorial: Part 3 – Console-Based Input and Output
October 20, 2021
Today I published the third part of my free Java video tutorial with hands-on exercises. It covers the console-based input and output in Java: reading text and numbers using java.util.Scanner and printing text, numbers and formatted output using System.out.print(), System.out.println(), System.out.printf(). Learn more at Watch the video tutorial in YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube
Free Java Video Tutorial: Part 1 – Getting Started with Java
October 15, 2021
I am happy to announce that I am starting a free video tutorial for beginners in Java programming today: This is a hand-on free training, with a plenty of practical coding exercises, which you solve and send for automated online grading. Try it! You learn coding by coding. Learn by doing: this is my proven
Creating a Blog System with Spring MVC, Thymeleaf, JPA and MySQL
August 5, 2016
Recently, I created a detailed Spring MVC tutorial for my students at the Software University (SoftUni), as part of their training course “Software Technologies”, so I want to share it with anyone interested to learn how to integrate Java, Spring Framework, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring services, repositories, controllers, models, Thymeleaf views, Spring form validation,
Да си направим уеб игра: „Обстреляй плодовете!“
February 29, 2016
Наскоро разписах за моите студенти един постъпков самоучител (tutorial) как да си направят уеб базирана игра със C#, Visual Studio и ASP.NET MVC. Споделям, защото се получи доста приятна игричка. Самоучителят е подходящ за начинаещи с базови умения по C#. Не са необходими предварителни познания по уеб технологии, единствено начални познания по писане на код
ASP.NET MVC Practical Hands-On Lab Tutorial (Free from the Software University)
May 28, 2015
As part of the ASP.NET MVC Web Development course at the Software University I developed a practical MVC hand-on lab (tutorial) that gives rich experience in building data-driven Web applications with ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET MVC 5, SQL Server, C#, Visual Studio, Entity Framework (code first), AJAX, jQuery, Bootstrap and other modern technologies and tools. In
Database Apps, Entity Framework, SQL Server, XML & JSON – Practical Hands On Lab by Nakov
March 23, 2015
The goal of this practical hands on lab is to learn how to develop database applications with C#, Entity Framework and SQL Server. If you follow the tutorial steps below, you will learn how to create a database, map the database to EF data model (database first and code first), query the database, import and
Fundamentals of Programming with C#: Free Book, Videos, Presentations and Mind Maps
January 13, 2014
After years of hard work the free book “Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#” was finally published (in September 2013). The free C# book comes with free video lessons, presentation slides, mind maps, exercises, guidelines and exercise solutions to help learners to study the foundations of computer programming and trainers to teach newbies in programming,