
Open Source Book “Introduction to Programming with Java”

July 25, 2008
Last week I started a project to create a new book for sofwate engineers: “Introduction to Programming with Java”. The book will focus on the fundamentals of computer programming rather than on the Java language. This is not a book about Java. This is a book about the concepts of computer programming. It is intended

Third IT Boxing Match: Platforms for Enterprise Development, Web Services and SOA

June 21, 2008
Finally I am ready with the preparation of the third IT Boxing event for software engineers – 25 June 2008, in Sofia. IT Boxing Championship: Platforms for Enterprise Development, Web Services and SOA (Java vs. .NET) Date: 25 June 2008 (Thursday), 18:00 h Location: Park Hotel “Moscow”, Sofia, Hall “Moscow” Sponsored by: Telerik and VMWare

First Bulgarian C++ Conference – Velingrad, 27-28 June 2008

June 18, 2008
As part of my work in the National Academy for Software Development (NASD) I am deeply involved in the organization of an interesting event for C++ developers: the First Bulgarian C++ Conference. I am excited of being able to establish a C++ users group in Bulgaria and to organize the technical part of the conference.

My .NET Development Team Launched an Online Room Rental Service at

June 16, 2008
After 5 months development my .NET engineering team launched an unique service in Internet – online venues rental Web portal ( eVenues is a new online service that aggregates available meeting room space and connects prospective “space renters” with “space providers”. Today, many companies have meeting room space that sits vacant for hours/days. By enabling

Finding the Directory Where Your Java .class File is Loaded From

June 11, 2008
Today I had to solve an unusual problem: I needed to find the directory that was used to load a specific Java .class file (the location in the file system of given .class file). I needed it because I wanted to load resources located somewhere in the classPath with file access API (not with accessable

Third IT Boxing Match: Platforms for Enterprise Development, Web Services and SOA @ 25 June 2008 in Sofia

May 26, 2008
I am preparing the next IT Boxing event: Platforms for Enterprise Development, Web Services and SOA. The event will be held on 25 June 2008 from 17:30 in Park Hotel Moscow in Sofia. Platforms for Enterprise Development, Web Services and SOA Enterprise applications are complex distributed software systems designed to meet the requirements and needs

Building Data Driven Applications with LINQ-to-SQL and ASP.NET: The Session-Per-Request Pattern for ASP.NET

May 16, 2008
In this article I will focus on buiding the data access layer in ASP.NET 3.5 Web applications with LINQ to SQL and SQL Server. Lots of articles introduce the LINQ technology, the LINQ to SQL object-relational mapping technology and ASP.NET 3.5 so I will skips these introduction and will explain the main problem I found

My Talks @ Microsoft Days 2008 in Sofia

April 28, 2008
I gave two talks at the Microsoft Days 2008 in InterExpo Center Sofia on 24 and 25 April: What is New in ASP.NET 3.5? This session focused on the exiting recently introduced features and technologies in ASP.NET 3.5. Starting from ASP.NET and LINQ integration and ASP.NET dynamic data, the I went through the new ASP.NET