Category: .net


My Talks @ Microsoft Days 2008 in Sofia

April 28, 2008
I gave two talks at the Microsoft Days 2008 in InterExpo Center Sofia on 24 and 25 April: What is New in ASP.NET 3.5? This session focused on the exiting recently introduced features and technologies in ASP.NET 3.5. Starting from ASP.NET and LINQ integration and ASP.NET dynamic data, the I went through the new ASP.NET

Rejected a Program Manager Position at Microsoft Dublin – My Successful Interview at Microsoft

March 15, 2008
Last month I was invited by Microsoft to an interview in their largest European development center in Dublin. It was exciting trip and real challenge to see the Microsoft development live. I was excited of their professionalism in all directions: Professional organization – phone interviews, invitation, flight, accomodation, etc. Nearly perfect development process – like

ASP.NET vs. PHP vs. Java Web Frameworks vs. Ruby on Rails – 6 March 2008 – park-hotel “Moscow”, Sofia

February 26, 2008
The topic of this event is “Web Development Technologies: ASP.NET vs. Java & JSF vs. PHP vs. Ruby”. The .NET team will present the ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET MVC and the new ASP.NET extensions in .NET Framework 3.5. The Java team will stand up for JavaServer Faces (JSF), Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Echo Framework and

The .NET Team Won The First “IT Boxing” Match : ADO.NET+LINQ vs. Hibernate and JPA

December 12, 2007
The “IT Boxing” Visited by 250 Developers! On 11 December 2007 I organized the largest event of the Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD). It was held in Sofia and was visited by 250 software engineers and thus BASD was proved to be #1 community organization in Bulgaria. The subject of this first “IT Boxing”

IT Boxing – ADO.NET Entity Framework and LINQ vs. Java Persistence API (JPA) and Hibernate

December 6, 2007
Next week (11 December 2007) I organized very interesting event for developers in Sofia: IT Boxing championship where .NET and Java developers will dispute the state-of-the-art data access technologies in their platforms: About the IT Boxing Championship The initiative “IT Boxing Championship” is a series of events organized by the Bulgarian Association of Software

Bulgarian Association of Software Developers is Now Member of INETA

October 31, 2007
Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD) became an official member of INETA (the International .NET Association). Now BASD is registered .NET user group for Bulgaria and will promote the .NET technology through its members by seminars, conferences, meetings and other events. We are planning to run a new interesting event called “IT boxing” where .NET

Give full trust to .NET assembly hosted in a Web page in Internet Explorer

I have a .NET 2.0 assembly that runs in the Internet Explorer Web browser as hosted control. The assembly is called ExampleControl.dll. The HTML file used to display it is the following: Now I want to increase its priviledges to be able to connect to Microsoft SQL Server. If I just create a new code

svnleave – a Tool for Cleaning-up an SVN Directory

September 16, 2007
When you need to copy a project that resides in a Subversion repository to another location or send a piece of the source code by email, you need to clean the all .svn or _svn files from its directory structure. I know an easy way to do this by the TortoiseSVN GUI client for Windows: