Implicit Variables in Java 7?
November 12, 2007
Few days ago the Belgian Java Users Group (BeJUG) and the Brazilian Java Users Group (SouJava) jointly discussed a submission of few new features as language JSR for JDK7 in the Java Community Process. Lot of small nice features were introduced but one thins was still missing. Implicit Variable Declarations The implicit variable declarations with
GWT Tk – Patched to Support GWT 1.4.60
November 10, 2007
GWT Tk ( is an excellent open-source GWT widget library. I use it to show modal dialog boxes in my GWT applications. There is only one problem: the ModalDialog does not work with the latest version of GWT: GWT 1.4.60. I investigated where the problem comes from and I patched the file to run
New version of GWT Advanced Table
I released a new version of my GWT Advanced Table widget. It now supports multiple rows selection: I hope all GWT fans will enjoy using it.
JavaServer Faces (JSF) Seminar
October 18, 2007
Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD) organizes a meeting of the Bulgarian Java User Group (BGJUG) on 25 October 2007 to discuss the JavaServer Faces (JSF) technology and new trends. Speakers will be Ivan Davidov and Nikolay Dokovski. See the official invitation here:
Bulgarian Java User Group
September 13, 2007
The Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD) which I lead for the last few years launches a Bulgarian Java User Group: The groups will perform regular meetings in Sofia once monthly and will organize technical events and discussions. It will have separate web site ( and independent membership regardless of the membership in the association.
Caching Google RPC Services (in GWT)
September 5, 2007
In my current GWT project I have some data comming from the server side but is unlikely to be changed during the execution of the project. This is the the list of languages available in the system. I wanted to cache the requests to the RPC service that returns the list of available languages so
GWT Advanced Table – new version
I published a new version of my GWT Advanced Table widget – a reusable GWT table component that supports data paging, sorting and filtering in AJAX fasion: I added row selection support that was missing in the first release. See the official Google Code project for more information and downloads:
Building GWT applications with “ant”
August 24, 2007
Today I needed to deploy an early preview version of our GWT based product to the testing server on the customer site. I didn’t mentioned early but our product is a large content repository for famous Bulgarian telecom. It took me 2 hours or maybe more to write and debug ant based build script but