When you need to copy a project that resides in a Subversion repository to another location or send a piece of the source code by email, you need to clean the all .svn or _svn files from its directory structure. I know an easy way to do this by the TortoiseSVN GUI client for Windows:
The Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD) which I currently manage is about to start a new division – Bulgarian .NET User Group. The division will focus on Microsoft technologies and will organize seminars, meetings, courses and will run other projects. Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD) is working on .NET technology for several years.
The Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD) which I lead for the last few years launches a Bulgarian Java User Group: The groups will perform regular meetings in Sofia once monthly and will organize technical events and discussions. It will have separate web site (http://www.java-bg.net) and independent membership regardless of the membership in the association.
In my current GWT project I have some data comming from the server side but is unlikely to be changed during the execution of the project. This is the the list of languages available in the system. I wanted to cache the requests to the RPC service that returns the list of available languages so
I published a new version of my GWT Advanced Table widget – a reusable GWT table component that supports data paging, sorting and filtering in AJAX fasion: I added row selection support that was missing in the first release. See the official Google Code project for more information and downloads: http://code.google.com/p/gwt-advanced-table/.
In the last year I am actively conducting research in computational linguistics and natural language processing. My PhD thesis concerns identification of cognates and false friends between Bulgarian and Russian. In short, false friends are pairs of words in two languages that sound similar but differ in their meaning. Identification of false friends is related
My Internet provider forces me to use PPPoE to connect to Internet. It is unpleasant to manually start the connection when Windows restarts or the connection drop. This is even worse when I am not physically at the machine’s console – if the connection accidentally drop I can not establish Remote Desktop session. Windows does
Today I needed to deploy an early preview version of our GWT based product to the testing server on the customer site. I didn’t mentioned early but our product is a large content repository for famous Bulgarian telecom. It took me 2 hours or maybe more to write and debug ant based build script but