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Photo Album

This page is outdated and is no longer updated. Last update Oct 2004.

Svetlin Nakov’s personal photos

With the Bulgarian President George Parvanov

Nakov and the President

Nakov and the President

Nakov and the President

Nakov and the President

Nakov and the President

Nakov and the President

Nakov, Preslav, Chris
and the President

Nakov, his brother
and the President

Nakov with the award

Nakov, Niki, Emanuil
and the President

Svetlin Nakov’s family

Nakov with his family

Nakov with his family

Nakov with his family

Nakov and his brother

Nakov lecturer at Sofia University

Nakov teaching his course
“High-quality Programming Code Construction”

Nakov teaching his course
“Programming for the .NET Platform”

Nakov in the Bulgarian caves

Nakov in the “Edelvais” cave

Nakov in the “Edelvais” cave

Nakov in the “Edelvais” cave

Nakov in the “Dineva pesht” cave

Nakov in the Bulgarian mountains

Nakov at Moussala peak – Rila

Nakov at Moussala peak – Rila

Nakov in the lake – Rila

Nakov and Yavor – Krushuna

Nakov in the water – Stara Planina

Nakov climbing – Lakatnik

Nakov – face

Nakov – face

Nakov at party

Nakov playing a guitar

Nakov playing drums

Nakov reading card

Nakov dancing

Nakov at his birthday

Nakov and Niki

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