Today I needed to optimize the file size for a commercial Java applet (Web form signer) that my team is developing in the last month. We use few external libraries (Bouncy Castle Crypto API and few others) and these libraries are above 2 MB in several JAR files. If we were developing server side application,
In one of my last projects I was working on Java applet that needed to digitally sign data forms at the client side in a Web browser. I with my team developed the applet and it did the job well. Unfortunately our customer decided to put multiple instances of the applet in a single Web
Today I had to solve an unusual problem: I needed to find the directory that was used to load a specific Java .class file (the location in the file system of given .class file). I needed it because I wanted to load resources located somewhere in the classPath with file access API (not with accessable
With a few collagues I teach a course in Design Patterns in Sofia University for the summer semester of 2007/2008. We will cover the classical GoF patterns (creational, functional and behavioral) and as well as some additional topics like architectural patterns (like MVC). Our curriculum is based on the classical book “Design Patterns: Elements of
In my current GWT project I have some data comming from the server side but is unlikely to be changed during the execution of the project. This is the the list of languages available in the system. I wanted to cache the requests to the RPC service that returns the list of available languages so