Професия PHP Developer: как се става PHP уеб разработчик? Как да науча PHP? От къде да започна с PHP?
May 9, 2017
Днес ще разкажа подробно за професията “PHP Web Developer” и как се става PHP програмист, с какви софтуерни технологии работят PHP разработчиците и как можем да се научим на PHP уеб разработка, съвременни уеб технологии, работа с бази данни и PHP frameworks, от къде да стартираме и какво да учим, стъпка по стъпка. По-конкретно ще обясня за: Езикът PHP и
Turtle Graphics .NET – C# Open Source Library
February 14, 2016
Albeit left behind to a certain extent, the good old turtle is still an excellent way to introduce people to the world of programming. “Turtle graphics” has implementations in a variety of languages with Logo being the trendsetter for the older school of programmers and survives to this day with a very beginner friendly and
Open Questions Plugin for Question2Answer Q&A Platform
April 30, 2012
I use the Questions2Answer Q&A platform (Q2A) for Telerik Software Academy forums. It is great discussion board implemented in the “stackoverflow” style: questions with answers and comments, tags and categories, voting and gamification with a score system and a leaderboard. One feature missing in Q2A is displaying the open unanswered questions. There is a similar
Svetlin Nakov – University Courses
September 5, 2010
This page is no longer maintained. For the most recent courses I teach, visit the SoftUni: Open courses @ SoftUni The software engineering program @ SoftUni JS-Apps JS-Advanced programming Java Basics Full Course (13 Hours) – October 2021 (October 2021, SoftUni.org) The “Java Basics Full Course“ develops basic coding skills with the Java language. It