Albeit left behind to a certain extent, the good old turtle is still an excellent way to introduce people to the world of programming. “Turtle graphics” has implementations in a variety of languages with Logo being the trendsetter for the older school of programmers and survives to this day with a very beginner friendly and
Dr. Svetlin Nakov is author / co-author of 15+ books on computer programming and software development. Get the latest list of Nakov’s books from: Nakov’s books focus on topics such as basics of coding, problem solving, basic data structures and algorithms, principles of computer programming, Java, JavaScript, Python, .NET development, C#, C++, cryptography, and
The .NET Framework does not provide standard functionality for resolving a path relative to the application root to a physical file system path. Thus in ASP.NET Web applications we need to use Server.MapPath(), but in console and Windows Forms / WPF applications we need to rely on the current directory. Moreover if we run a