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Thoughts on Software Engineering

Creating a Blog System with Spring MVC, Thymeleaf, JPA and MySQL

Recently, I created a detailed Spring MVC tutorial for my students at the Software University (SoftUni), as part of their training course “Software Technologies”, so I want to share it with anyone interested to learn how to integrate Java, Spring Framework, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring services, repositories, controllers, models, Thymeleaf views, Spring form validation, JPA, entity classes, Spring Data, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, JPQL, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery into a single working project – a server-side Web application for simple blogging.

In this tutorial we shall create a fully-functional Blog system from scratch using Spring MVC and MySQL database. The blog holds posts (visible for everyone). Registered users (after login) can create / edit / delete posts. The blog will use Java, Spring Framework, Spring MVC, Thymeleaf template engine, Spring Data JPA, JPA, Hibernate and MySQL.

First, download the project resources (images, JS code, database sample data, etc.):

What We Are Building?

We are building a Blog system where users can view posts and create / edit / delete
posts after registration / login.

Blog System – Project Specification

Design and implement a “Blog” Web application in Spring MVC + MySQL. Implement the following functionality:

  • Home
    • Show the last 3 posts at the home page, ordered by date (from the most recent).
    • Show also the last 5 post titles at the home page (as a sidebar) with a link to the post.
    • Show [Login] and [Register] buttons (when no user is logged in).
  • Login
    • Login in the blog with existing account (username + password).
    • Show a success message after login or error message in case of problem.
  • Register
    • Register a new user in the MySQL database (by username + password + full name).
    • Show a success message after registration or error message in case of problem.
  • Logout
    • Logout the current user.
    • This [Logout] button is available after successful login only.
  • View / Create / Edit / Delete Posts (CRUD Operations)
    • Logged in users should be able to view all posts, create new post (by title + content) / edit / delete their own posts.
    • Posts are displayed in a table (one row for each post). At each row a link [Edit] and [Delete] should be displayed.
    • Create post shows a form to enter the post data (title + content). After the form submission, the post is created in the database. Implement field validation (non-empty fields are required).
    • Edit post fills an existing post data in a form and allows it to be edited. After successful form submission, the post is edited. Implement field validation.
    • Delete post shows the post to be deleted and asks for confirmation.
  • View All Users
    • Logged in users should be able to view all users (username + full name) in a table.

Blog System – Screenshots

Part I: Setup a Spring Boot Project

In this section we shall create an empty Spring MVC application based on Spring Boot using Maven.

We shall use IntelliJ IDEA as development environment, but Eclipse or any other Java IDE could work as well.

Create a New Maven Project

Create a new Maven project for the Blog system:

The IDE will create for you а Maven configuration file pom.xml in the project root folder. In IntelliJ IDEA enable the “auto-import” for the Maven dependencies.

Add the Spring Boot Dependencies in Maven

Inside the <project> element in the pom.xml add the spring-boot-starter-parent dependency:



The above declaration inherits all Spring Boot libraries and project settings from spring-boot-starter-parent. We will assign the Spring Framework version only once at this place. We shall use version 1.4.0 – the latest stable release as of August 2016. All other Maven dependencies will be without an explicitly specified version, so Maven will detect the required version automatically.

Add also a dependency to spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf:



The above code will configure the Thymeleaf templating engine that will be used for the views

Set the Java version to 1.8. Otherwise the project will use old Java version and some functionality will not compile:



This is how your Maven configuration file pom.xml might look like. Note that if everything is OK, the project libraries will include all Spring Core, Spring Boot, Spring MVC and Thymeleaf libraries (jar files, shown on the left):

Create the Project Structure: Directories

Create a package “blog” in the source code root of your Java project: src/main/java:

Create the following packages (directories) in src/main/java/blog:

  • models – will hold the project MVC models (entity classes) like User and Post.
  • controllers – will hold the project MVC controllers that will serve the blog functionality.
  • services – will hold the business logic of the project, invoked by the controllers.

Create the following folders in src/main/resources:

  • templates – will hold the application views (the Thymeleaf HTML templates and template fragments).
  • public – will hold static HTML content like CSS, images and JavaScript code.
  • public/img – will hold the site images (e.g. site logo).
  • public/css – will hold the site CSS styles.
  • public/js – will hold the site JavaScript files (e.g. jQuery, Bootstrap and custom JS code).

Your project directory structure should look like this:

Create the Project Structure: Files

Create a few important project
files in src/main/resources:

  • public/css/styles.css – the main CSS styles for the application. You shall put some style in this file later, so leave it empty now.
  • public/img/site-logo.png – the site logo. Copy it from the resources coming with this tutorial.
  • public/img/favico.ico – the browser icon for the site. Copy it from the resources for this tutorial.
  • public/js/blog-scripts.js – the JavaScript code that will be used in our blog. You shall put some JS code in this file later, so leave it empty now.
  • public/js/jquery-3.1.0.min.js – the jQuery library that will simplify your JS code. Copy it from the resources for this tutorial or from Internet:
  • – the Spring application settings (like logging configuration and database connection settings). Initially, leave this file empty.

After completing all the above steps, your project resources file structure should look like this:

Create the Spring Boot Application Startup Class

Create the Spring Boot application startup class in the package “blog” in your src/main/java directory:


package blog;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

public class BlogMvcApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

This class configures and starts your Spring Boot application, which is still empty. The @SpringBootApplication annotation applies the default configuration settings for our Spring Boot application (finds and loads all entities, controllers, UI templates and other application assets). Calling…) will start an embedded Tomcat Web application server at http://localhost:8080 to serve the HTTP requests to your Spring MVC Web application.

Run the Empty Web Application

Now you are ready to run your Web application for the first time. Run the BlogMvcApplication class, just like any other Java program. It should show a long sequence of logs (informational messages) at its startup:

Open project URL at http://localhost:8080 in your browser to check whether Tomcat and Spring MVC are running. You should see a Web page like the shown below. Note the green site icon of the top left angle of the browser. This is the Spring Framework’s icon. If you see it, your browser shows a Spring MVC application.

It is quite normal to see this error message. It says that the Embedded Tomcat server with Spring MVC is running, but you have no registered controller action to handle HTTP GET requests for your home page URL “/“.

If your browser shows you other Web content (e.g. different site icon), or fails to open localhost:8080, check for errors in your Java application output and also who is listening at port 8080 on your localhost loopback interface.

Create the Home Controller + View

To ensure your Spring MVC application and the Thymeleaf templating engine are properly configured, create your first controller + Thymeleaf view and invoke it from your browser.

Create a Java class in your src/main/java/blog/controllers directory:


package blog.controllers;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;

public class HomeController {
    public String index() {
        return "index";

The above code defines a Spring Web MVC controller and defines an action that handles HTTP GET requests for the root URL of the project “/“. When someone opens http://localhost:8080/ form a Web browser, the above action will be called. It returns the “index” view and this means to render a Thymeleaf template “index.html” located in the file src/main/resources/templates/index.html.

Create a Thymeleaf viewindex.html” in your src/main/resources/templates directory:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="">

    <meta charset="UTF-8" />

<h1>Welcome to Spring MVC</h1>
    Now is: <b th:text="${}"></b>


The above code is a sample HTML page that uses the Thymeleaf view engine to display the current date and time. The namespace xmlns:th=“”
indicates that this file is not pure HTML, but is a Thymeleaf template that should be processed at the server side to produce a HTML page.

Restart the Web Server to See the Changes

Compile and make your project (press [Ctrl+F9] in IDEA) and restart the Spring Boot Web server to be able to see the changes in your code (the new controller + view). Stop and start again (or re-run) your Spring MVC application (the BlogMvcApplication class). In IntelliJ IDEA you have a special button to do this in the [Run] panel:

See the Output from Your First Controller + View

Now refresh your Web browser or open again http://localhost:8080. You should see the HTML output from your first MVC controller action + Thymeleaf view. It should look like this:

Configure Auto-Reload after Change in the Source Code

It is quite ugly to rebuild your project and restart your Web server manually each time you change the source code in order to see the changes. Let’s automate this process.

First, disable the Thymeleaf template caching in your settings file:


spring.thymeleaf.cache = false

Second, install Spring Boot Development Tools in your Maven configuration. Just add this dependency:



Don’t remove the other dependencies when you add this new dependency. Your <dependencies> section in pom.xml should look like this:

Now rebuild the project and restart the server. You will not need to do this more after changing the project. The Spring Boot server will restart automatically after a project change. Make sure to press [Ctrl+F9] in IntelliJ IDEA when you want to see the changes in the source code or view templates.

Create the Site Layout (Header, Menu, Footer, CSS)

Now, let’s build the site layout (also known as master page template). The site layout includes the parts of the site, which should be shared between all site pages:

  • Head section – holds the site <head> section with the CSS and scripts references.
  • Site header section – holds the site header and top menu.
  • Site footer section – holds the site footer area.

Create a new HTML file “layout.html” in src/main/resources/templates. It will hold the site layout:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th=“”>
<head th:fragment=“site-head”>
<meta charset=“UTF-8” />
<link rel=“stylesheet” href=“../public/css/styles.css” th:href=“@{/css/styles.css}” />
<link rel=“icon” href=“../public/img/favicon.ico” th:href=“@{/img/favicon.ico}” />
<script src=“../public/js/jquery-3.1.0.min.js” th:src=“@{/js/jquery-3.1.0.min.js}”></script>
<script src=“../public/js/blog-scripts.js” th:src=“@{/js/blog-scripts.js}”></script>
<meta th:include=“this :: head” th:remove=“tag”/>
<body><header th:fragment=“site-header”>
<a href=“index.html” th:href=“@{/}”><img src="../public/img/site-logo.png" th:src="@{/img/site-logo.png}" /></a>
<a href="index.html" th:href="@{/}">Home</a>
<a href="users/login.html" th:href="@{/users/login}">Login</a>
<a href="users/register.html" th:href="@{/users/register}">Register</a>
<a href="posts/index.html" th:href="@{/posts}">Posts</a>
<a href="posts/create.html" th:href="@{/posts/create}">Create Post</a>
<a href="users/index.html" th:href="@{/users}">Users</a>
<div id="logged-in-info"> <span>Hello, <b>(user)</b></span>
<form method="post" th:action="@{/users/logout}">
<input type="submit" value="Logout"/>
<p>Welcome to the Spring MVC Blog.</p>
<footer th:fragment="site-footer">
&copy; Spring MVC Blog System, 2016

The above file “layout.html” holds several Thymeleaf fragments that will be included in all site pages:

  • The “site-head” fragment holds the <head> section. It includes the site CSS, JavaScript code, etc. It appends to the page <head> section the <head> section of the invoking page, e.g. index.html.
  • The “site-header” fragment holds the site header: site logo + top navigation links to the other site pages. It also holds the “Logout” form. The header now holds links to all pages, but once the login / logout functionality is implemented, it will show / hide some of the links for anonymous site visitors and for the authenticated users.
  • The “site-footer” fragment is very simple. It holds some static text for the site footer.

Note that the links in the above code look like duplicated, because there are two attributes that specify the resource address: href=”…” and th:href=”…”. This is because Thymeleaf uses natural templates. “Natural templates” means that the template is a document as valid as the final result and the view engine syntax doesn’t break the document’s structure. The href value specifies the relative resource location in the system (provided by the Web site designer, e.g. “../public/css/styles.css“). The th:href value specifies the resource runtime location at the Web server (which is relative to the site root, e.g. “/css/styles.css“).

Once you have created the site layout template, it is time to modify the home view “index.html” to use this site layout by including its site-head, site-header and site-footer fragments using the Thymeleaf th:replace attributes as it is shown below:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th=“”>

<head th:replace=“layout :: site-head”>
<title>Welcome to Spring MVC Blog</title>


<header th:replace=“layout :: site-header” />

<h1>Welcome to Spring MVC</h1>
Now is: <b th:text=“${}”>date and time</b>

<footer th:replace=“layout :: site-footer” />



The concept of “natural templates” is simple: if you open directly in a Web browser the above HTML files (by double-clicking on layout.html or index.html), without rendering them through the Thymeleaf view engine, their HTML content will be displayed correctly and will look meaningful.

Now make the project ([Ctrl+F9] in IntelliJ IDEA) and refresh the browser to see the changes:

The site header and footer should be shown correctly but look a little bit ugly, because there is no CSS styles. The site browser icon (at the top left corner) is also change (by the favico.ico file in the site header).

Add CSS Styles for the Site Layout

Let’s style the header, footer and the main page content. Add these style definitions in the site CSS file:


body>header {
background: #eee;
padding: 5px;

body>header>a>img, body>header a {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
padding: 0px 5px;
font-size: 1.2em;

body>footer {
background: #eee;
padding: 5px;
margin: 10px 0;
text-align: center;

#logged-in-info {
float: right;
margin-top: 18px;

#logged-in-info form {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 10px;

Now save the changes, make the project and refresh the Web browser to see how the site looks after the styling:

Congratulations, you have successfully created the site layout (the shared head, header, footer and CSS).

Part II: Build the Application UI (Spring MVC)

In this section we shall build the application user interface (UI) without connecting it to the database. We shall build controllers and views to implement the user interface of the project. Instead of connecting to the database, we shall use stub service implementations that provide sample data for visualization in the view templates.

Create Entity Classes: “User” and “Post”

In order to create the controllers and views of the Blog system, we will need the entity classes (data models) to hold users and posts. Let’s create these classes.

First, create a class User in the package blog.models to hold information about blog users. Users have id, username, passwordHash (encrypted password), fullName and a set of posts:


package blog.models;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public class User {
private Long id;
private String username;
private String passwordHash;
private String fullName;
private Set<Post> posts = new HashSet<>();

Now generate getters and setters (for all fields), constructors (empty and by id + username + fullName) and toString() method (don’t print the set of posts in the toString() to avoid endless recursion) in the User class:

The generated code might look as follows:


public class User {
    public Long getId() { return id; }
    public void setId(Long id) { = id; }
    public String getUsername() { return username; }
    public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; }
    public String getPasswordHash() { return passwordHash; }
    public void setPasswordHash(String passHash) { this.passwordHash = passHash; }
    public String getFullName() { return fullName; }
    public void setFullName(String fullName) { this.fullName = fullName; }
    public Set<Post> getPosts() { return posts; }
    public void setPosts(Set<Post> posts) { this.posts = posts; }
    public User() { }
    public User(Long id, String username, String fullName) {  = id; this.username = username; this.fullName = fullName;

    public String toString() {
        return "User{" + "id=" + id + ", username='" + username + '\'' +
            ", passwordHash='" + passwordHash + '\'' +
            ", fullName='" + fullName + '\'' + '}';

Next, create a class Post in the package blog.models to hold information about blog posts. Posts have id, title, body, date of publishing (defaults to the current date and time) and an author (which is User):


package blog.models;

import java.util.Date;

public class Post {

private Long id;
private String title;
private String body;
private User author;
private Date date = new Date();


Generate getters and setters (for all fields), empty constructor, constructors by id + title + body + author and toString() method for the Post class. Your code might look like the shown below (it is intentionally shown as image to avoid copy / paste):


Create Service Interface “PostService”

In Spring MVC uses a layered architecture: controllers à services à repositories à models à database.

  • Controllers – hold the presentation (UI) logic – process user request (GET / POST / other), prepare data for the view and render the view (or redirect to another URL). Example: prepare and show the home page.
  • Services – hold the business logic. Often just call some repository method. Example: create new post / show a post for deleting / delete post. Services may have several implementations: DB based or stub based.
  • Repositories – implement the database CRUD operations (create / read / edit / delete) in the database for certain entity class (model). Examples: find post by id / delete post by id. Often provided by the framework (not written by hand).
  • Models (entity classes) – holds the data about the application data. Examples: user, post, tag, …

Now, create the service interface that will provide the business logic for working with posts in the blog system:



import blog.models.Post;

import java.util.List;

public interface PostService {
    List<Post> findAll();
    List<Post> findLatest5();
    Post findById(Long id);
    Post create(Post post);
    Post edit(Post post);
    void deleteById(Long id);

The PostService interface provides all the functionality about posts that is needed for the blog system.

Create Stub Service Implementation “PostServiceStubImpl”

To reduce the complexity, the blog application will be created step by step. First, the blog will be implemented to work without a database: users and posts will be stored in the server memory. Later, the database persistence will be implemented to replace the in-memory object storing.

Let’s implement a stub (sample data, stored in the memory) for the PostService. It will be a Java class called PostServiceStubImpl. It will hold the posts in a List<Post> collection and the service methods will be easy to be implemented:



import blog.models.Post;
import blog.models.User;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.util.*;

public class PostServiceStubImpl implements PostService {
    private List<Post> posts = new ArrayList<Post>() {{
        add(new Post(1L, "First Post", "<p>Line #1.</p><p>Line #2</p>", null));
        add(new Post(2L, "Second Post",
        "Second post content:<ul><li>line 1</li><li>line 2</li></p>",
        new User(10L, "pesho10", "Peter Ivanov")));
        add(new Post(3L, "Post #3", "<p>The post number 3 nice</p>",
        new User(10L, "merry", null)));
        add(new Post(4L, "Forth Post", "<p>Not interesting post</p>", null));
        add(new Post(5L, "Post Number 5", "<p>Just posting</p>", null));
        add(new Post(6L, "Sixth Post", "<p>Another interesting post</p>", null));

    public List<Post> findAll() {
        return this.posts;

    public List<Post> findLatest5() {
                .sorted((a, b) -> b.getDate().compareTo(a.getDate()))

    public Post findById(Long id) {
                .filter(p -> Objects.equals(p.getId(), id))

    public Post create(Post post) {
                p -> p.getId()).max().getAsLong() + 1);
        return post;

    public Post edit(Post post) {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.posts.size(); i++) {
            if (Objects.equals(this.posts.get(i).getId(), post.getId())) {
                this.posts.set(i, post);
                return post;
        throw new RuntimeException("Post not found: " + post.getId());

    public void deleteById(Long id) {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.posts.size(); i++) {
            if (Objects.equals(this.posts.get(i).getId(), id)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Post not found: " + id);

The above service implementation is just for testing. It will allow us to develop the application frond-end UI (controllers and views) without carrying about the complexity of the database access. It will also make the application services testable without the need of database. Let’s update the home page controller.

Note: the annotation @Service for the service implementation class is important here. It tells the Spring Framework that this class will be used by the application controllers as a service and Spring Framework will automatically instantiate and inject it in the controllers (through the @Autowired annotation).

Invoke the “PostService” from the Home Page Controller

Now, let’s update the home page controller to use the PostService and its testing stub implementation PostServiceStubImpl. Now the HomeController.index() method should prepare for the view the latest 3 blog posts (to be shown at the home page) + the latest 5 blog posts (to be shown at the sidebar).


public class HomeController {
private PostService postService;

public String index(Model model) {
List<Post> latest5Posts = postService.findLatest5();
model.addAttribute(“latest5posts”, latest5Posts);

List<Post> latest3Posts =
model.addAttribute(“latest3posts”, latest3Posts);

return “index”;

Note the @Autowired annotation before the postService field. This is the
“magic” of Spring Framework. It automatically injects the correct implementation for your services at the places where they are needed. Developers just type @Autowired“. Spring scans the project and finds all classes that implement the service interface. If only one such class is found, it is instantiated and its instance is auto-wired (injected) in the field or method parameter where it is requested.

The above controller action puts in the view model the latest 5 posts as object named “latest5posts” and the latest 3 posts as object named “latest3posts” to be shown at the home page by the view. Now it is time to write the home page view to process these posts.

Implement “List Latest 3 Posts” at the Home Page Main Area

Let’s modify the home page view to display the latest 3 posts:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="">

<head th:replace="layout :: site-head">
    <title>Spring MVC Blog</title>


<header th:replace="layout :: site-header" />

<main id="posts">
    <article th:each="p : ${latest3posts}">
      <h2 class="title" th:text="${p.title}">Post Title</h2>
      <div class="date">
        <i>Posted on</i>
        <span th:text="${#dates.format(, 'dd-MMM-yyyy')}">22-May-2016</span>
        <span th:if="${}" th:remove="tag">
          <span th:text="${ != null ?
               :}">Svetlin Nakov</span>
      <p class="content" th:utext="${p.body}">Post content</p>

<footer th:replace="layout :: site-footer" />


The view iterates over the “latest3posts” collection and for each post in it shows the post details: title, date (in format dd-MMM-yyyy, e.g. 22-May-2016), author (when available, print its full name or just its username when the full name is missing) and post body.

Make the project and open the home page from your Web browser. It should look like this:

Implement the “List latest 5 Posts” at the Home Page Sidebar

Now implement the sidebar at the home page that holds the titles of the last 5 posts in hyperlinks to these posts. Add the following code just after the header in the index.html home page template:


<h2>Recent Posts</h2>
<a href=“#” th:each=“p : ${latest5posts}” th:text=“${p.title}”
th:href=“@{/posts/view/{id}/(id=${})}”>Work Begins on HTML5.1</a>

Now test the application. It should display 5 links at the home page, just after the page header:

Now add some CSS styles to make these links display correctly at the sidebar on the right side
of the home page. Append the following code in your styles.css file:


body>aside {
  float: right;
  width: 200px;
  background: #CCC;
  padding: 15px;
  margin-left: 20px;
  margin-top: 10px;

body>aside h2 {
  margin: 5px 0px 15px 0px;

body>aside a {
  display: block;
  margin: 5px 0px;
  text-decoration: none;

body>main:after {
  content: '';
  display: block;
  clear: both;

Now the sidebar looks better:

Create the “Post Details” Page

Now create the “Post Details” page, which will display a single post by id. It will be invoked when user clicks on the links in the Sidebar. It will be mapped to URL /posts/view/{id}/, e.g. http://localhost:8080/posts/view/3/.

Create “Post Details” Action in PostsController

Create the PostsController and its action view(id):


public class PostsController {
    private PostService postService;
    public String view(@PathVariable("id") Long id, Model model) {
        Post post = postService.findById(id);
        model.addAttribute("post", post);
        return "posts/view";

The PostsController works like the HomeController. It handles URLs like /posts/view/{id}/ and finds the requested post using the @Autowired implementation of the PostService and renders the view “posts/view“, which corresponds to the file “view.html” in directory src/main/resources/templates/posts. For cleaner organization, all post-related views are placed in a subdirectory “posts” under “templates“.

Create “Post Details” View

Create the posts/view.html template (view) to display the post loaded by the PostsController:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="">

<head th:replace="layout :: site-head">
    <title th:text="${post.title}">View Post</title>


<header th:replace="layout :: site-header" />

<main id="posts">
    <h2 class="title" th:text="${post.title}">Post Title</h2>
    <div class="date">
    <i>Posted on</i>
    <span th:text="${#dates.format(, 'dd-MMM-yyyy')}">22-May-2016</span>
        <span th:if="${}" th:remove="tag">
        <span th:text="${ != null ?
                :}">Svetlin Nakov</span>
    <p class="content" th:utext="${post.body}">Post content</p>

<footer th:replace="layout :: site-footer" />



The view “posts/view.html” works exactly like the home view “index.html“. It shows the post details: title, formatted date, author (when available, print its full name or username when the full name is missing) and post body. Like any other view, it re-uses the “head“, “site-header” and “site-footer” fragments from “layout.html“. Additionally, it changes the page title to hold the post title.

Test the “Post Details” View

Run the project (just recompile it and refresh the browser) to see how the new page works:

Test the “Post Details” View for Invalid Post

Looks good, but what will happen, if a wrong post is open, e.g. /posts/view/150? Let’s see:

It would be better if the application says something like “Sorry, the post #150 is not found” in a good-looking form. You might change the error page following the Spring Boot documentation:

Implement Notifications System

Let’s implement a “notification system” that allows us to display success / error
messages, like these:

A good approach is to create a NotificationService, which will encapsulate the logic related to adding and storing the info / error messages + add some code in the site layout template to show the messages (when available). Let’s create a notification service, implementation of this service and notifications view template.

Notification Service Interface

Create a new Java interface called “” in src/main/java/blog/services:



public interface NotificationService {
    void addInfoMessage(String msg);
    void addErrorMessage(String msg);

This service interface provides methods for adding error and information messages for displaying later in the view.

Notification Service Implementation

Implement the NotificationService interface in a new Java class called NotificationServiceImpl. It stores the info and error messages in a List<NotificationMessage> in the HTTP session. The HTTP session is a special place where you can store objects (key à value) and they persist for long time. HTTP session objects survive request redirections and may be accessed long time later after they are created. The notification messages will be displayed later in the site header (in layout.html). To implement the notification service, just create the class:



import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class NotificationServiceImpl implements NotificationService {

    public static final String NOTIFY_MSG_SESSION_KEY = "siteNotificationMessages";

    private HttpSession httpSession;

    public void addInfoMessage(String msg) {
        addNotificationMessage(NotificationMessageType.INFO, msg);

    public void addErrorMessage(String msg) {
        addNotificationMessage(NotificationMessageType.ERROR, msg);

    private void addNotificationMessage(NotificationMessageType type, String msg) {
        List<NotificationMessage> notifyMessages = (List<NotificationMessage>)
        if (notifyMessages == null) {
            notifyMessages = new ArrayList<NotificationMessage>();
        notifyMessages.add(new NotificationMessage(type, msg));
        httpSession.setAttribute(NOTIFY_MSG_SESSION_KEY, notifyMessages);

    public enum NotificationMessageType {

    public class NotificationMessage {
        NotificationMessageType type;
        String text;

        public NotificationMessage(NotificationMessageType type, String text) {
            this.type = type;
            this.text = text;

        public NotificationMessageType getType() {
            return type;

        public String getText() {
            return text;

Modify the Layout View Template to Show Notifications

Now the messages are available in the HTTP session. It is time to display them after the site header and remove them from the session (after they have been successfully shown to the user). Replace the “site-header” fragment in the layout view “layout.html” with the following:


<header th:fragment="site-header" th:remove="tag">
      <a href="index.html" th:href="@{/}"><img
                        src="../public/img/site-logo.png" th:src="@{/img/site-logo.png}" /></a>
      <a href="index.html" th:href="@{/}">Home</a>
      <a href="users/login.html" th:href="@{/users/login}">Login</a>
      <a href="users/register.html" th:href="@{/users/register}">Register</a>
      <a href="posts/index.html" th:href="@{/posts}">Posts</a>
      <a href="posts/create.html" th:href="@{/posts/create}">Create Post</a>
      <a href="users/index.html" th:href="@{/users}">Users</a>
      <div id="logged-in-info">
          <span>Hello, <b>(user)</b></span>
          <form method="post" th:action="@{/users/logout}">
              <input type="submit" value="Logout"/>

    <ul id="messages" th:with="notifyMessages=${session[T(
      <li th:each="msg : ${notifyMessages}" th:text="${msg.text}"
      <span th:if="${notifyMessages}" th:remove="all" th:text="${session.remove(


The above code first replaces the site header with two elements:

  • The original <header> element which holds the site logo and top navigation.
  • A new element <ul id=”messages”> to hold the notification messages

The code to show the notification messages is complex to be explained, but in brief: it iterates over the list of notification messages, displays each message in a <li> and finally removes all messages from the HTTP session.

Modify the PostsController to Add Error Messages

Now add an error message notification in the PostsController, when an invalid post id is requested:


public class PostsController {
        private PostService postService;

        private NotificationService notifyService;

        public String view(@PathVariable("id") Long id, Model model) {
            Post post = postService.findById(id);
            if (post == null) {
                notifyService.addErrorMessage("Cannot find post #" + id);
                return "redirect:/";
            model.addAttribute("post", post);
            return "posts/view";

The above code first injects the notification service by “@Autowired” annotation. It adds a check in the view(id) action and in case of invalid post id, it adds an error message though the notification service and redirects to the home page, where this message well be shown.

Add CSS Styles for the Notification Messages


ul#messages li {
display: block;
width: 80%;
margin: 5px auto;
text-align: center;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;

ul#messages {
background: #7f7;

ul#messages li.error {
background: #d00;
color: white;

Test the Notification Messages

To test the notification messages, open an invalid post, e.g. http://localhost:8080/posts/view/12345. The result should be like this:

Add JavaScript to Animate the Notification Messages

Now, let’s make the notification messages more fancy. Add JavaScript code that will hide automatically all notification messages after 3 seconds and will hide all notification messages on mouse click. Add the following code in the main file, holding the site JavaScript code “blog-scripts.js“:


$(function() {
    $('#messages li').click(function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 3000);

The above JS code is loaded by the layout template (in the “site-head” fragment), just after the jQuery library and the function in it is executed when the page is completely loaded. The code finds all <li class=”message”> elements with jQuery and attaches event handlers to hide them (with pleasant fade-out effect) on mouse click or at 3000 milliseconds timeout (for .info messages).

Create the “Login” Page

Forms are a bit more complicated. Let’s create the login page and its functionality.

Create LoginForm Model Class

First, create the login form model. It holds the validation rules for the form fields:


package blog.forms;

import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;

public class LoginForm {
    @Size(min=2, max=30, message = "Username size should be in the range [2...30]")
    private String username;

    @Size(min=1, max=50)
    private String password;

    public String getUsername() {
        return username;

    public void setUsername(String username) {
        this.username = username;

    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

    public void setPassword(String password) {
        this.password = password;

Create UserService

Next, create the user service interface that implements the login authentication functionality:



public interface UserService {
    boolean authenticate(String username, String password);

Create UserServiceStubImpl

Next, create the user service stub implementation (we shall have real implementation later):



import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.util.Objects;

public class UserServiceStubImpl implements UserService {
    public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
         // Provide a sample password check: username == password
         return Objects.equals(username, password);

Create the LoginController

Next, create the login controller:


package blog.controllers;

import blog.forms.LoginForm;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;

import javax.validation.Valid;

public class LoginController {

    private UserService userService;

    private NotificationService notifyService;

    public String login(LoginForm loginForm) {
        return "users/login";

    @RequestMapping(value = "/users/login", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String loginPage(@Valid LoginForm loginForm, BindingResult bindingResult) {
        if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
             notifyService.addErrorMessage("Please fill the form correctly!");
             return "users/login";

        if (!userService.authenticate(
             loginForm.getUsername(), loginForm.getPassword())) {
             notifyService.addErrorMessage("Invalid login!");
             return "users/login";

        notifyService.addInfoMessage("Login successful");
        return "redirect:/";

Create the Login View

Finally, create the login view:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="">

<head th:replace="layout :: site-head">


<header th:replace="layout :: site-header" />

<h1>Login in the Blog</h1>

<form method="post" th:object="${loginForm}">
  <div><label for="username">Username:</label></div>
  <input id="username" type="text" name="username" th:value="*{username}" />
  <span class="formError" th:if="${#fields.hasErrors('username')}"
                                th:errors="*{username}">Invalid username</span>

  <div><label for="password" th:value="*{username}">Password:</label></div>
  <input id="password" type="password" name="password" th:value="*{password}" />
  <span class="formError" th:if="${#fields.hasErrors('password')}"
                                th:errors="*{password}">Invalid password</span>

  <div><input type="submit" value="Login"/>
  <a href="register.html" th:href="@{/users/register}">[Go to Register]</a></div>

<footer th:replace="layout :: site-footer" />



Add CSS for the Form Validation

Add some CSS for the form validation:


.formError {
    color: red;
    font-style: italic;

Test the Login Form Functionality

Now run the login form and test it:

Create the “User Registration” Page

Create the page like the previous one. It is very similar.

The next few steps are still unfinished, so you could implement them yourself.

Create the “List Posts” Page

Create the “Create New Post” Page

Create the “Delete Post” Page

Create the “Edit Existing Post” Page

Create the “List Users” Page

Part III: Connect the Application to the DB (Spring Data JPA)

In this section we shall connect the application to the database and implement data access logic with Spring Data JPA, JPA, Hibernate and MySQL.

Add Spring Data Maven Dependencies

Add Spring Data JPA and MySQL dependencies in the Maven project settings:





Define MySQL Connection Settings (

Define the JPA settings to connect to your MySQL database. Ensure your MySQL server is running and the database “blog_db” exists inside it. Use the following database configuration settings:


spring.thymeleaf.cache = false

spring.datasource.driver-class-name = com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
= jdbc:mysql://localhost/blog_db?characterEncoding=utf8
= root

# Configure Hibernate DDL mode: create / update = create

# Disable the default loggers = WARN = WARN

### Show SQL executed with parameter bindings = DEBUG = TRACE = TRUE

Annotate the Entity Classes: User and Post

Put JPA annotations (table and column mappings + relationship mappings) to the entity classes in order to make then ready for persistence in the database through the JPA / Hibernate technology. Start with the User class:


package blog.models;

import javax.persistence.*;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

@Table(name = “users”)
public class User {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

@Column(nullable = false, length = 30, unique = true)
private String username;

@Column(length = 60)
private String passwordHash;

@Column(length = 100)
private String fullName;

@OneToMany(mappedBy = “author”)
private Set<Post> posts = new HashSet<Post>();

public Long getId() {
return id;

public void setId(Long id) { = id;

public String getUsername() {
return username;

public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;

public String getPasswordHash() {
return passwordHash;

public void setPasswordHash(String passwordHash) {
this.passwordHash = passwordHash;

public String getFullName() {
return fullName;

public void setFullName(String fullName) {
this.fullName = fullName;

public Set<Post> getPosts() {
return posts;

public void setPosts(Set<Post> posts) {
this.posts = posts;

public User() {

public User(String username, String fullName) {
this.username = username;
this.fullName = fullName;

public User(Long id, String username, String fullName) { = id;
this.username = username;
this.fullName = fullName;

public String toString() {
return “User{” +
“id=” + id +
“, username='” + username + \’+
“, passwordHash='” + passwordHash + \’+
“, fullName='” + fullName + \’+


Annotate in the same way the Post class:


package blog.models;

import javax.persistence.*;
import java.util.Date;

@Table(name = "posts")
public class Post {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    @Column(nullable = false, length = 300)
    private String title;

    @Lob @Column(nullable = false)
    private String body;

    @ManyToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private User author;
    @Column(nullable = false)
    private Date date = new Date();

    public Long getId() {
         return id;

    public void setId(Long id) { = id;

    public String getTitle() {
         return title;

    public void setTitle(String title) {
         this.title = title;

    public String getBody() {
         return body;

    public void setBody(String body) {
         this.body = body;

    public User getAuthor() {
         return author;

    public void setAuthor(User author) { = author;

    public Date getDate() {
         return date;

    public void setDate(Date date) { = date;

     public Post() {}

     public Post(Long id, String title, String body, User author) {
 = id;
          this.title = title;
          this.body = body;
 = author;

     public String toString() {
         return "Post{" +
            "id=" + id +
            ", title='" + title + '\'' +
            ", body='" + body + '\'' +
            ", author=" + author +
            ", date=" + date +

Create UserRepository and PostRepository (Spring Data JPA)

Create the interface UserRepository. Note that you will not provide any implementation for it. Spring Data JPA will implement it for you. This is part of the “magic” behind the “Spring Data” framework:


package blog.repositories;

import blog.models.User;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {

Create the interface PostRepository in similar way. Don’t implement this interface. Spring Data will create an implementation of it. This is the “magic” of the @Repository annotation.


package blog.repositories;

import blog.models.Post;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import java.util.List;

public interface PostRepository extends JpaRepository<Post, Long> {
List<Post> findLatest5Posts(Pageable pageable);

Not that the above JPQL query will be automatically implemented and mapped to the method findLatest5Posts() in the service implementation provided by Spring Data.

Implement the PostService and UserService to Use the DB

Just add new implementations for the UserService and PostService, annotated with @Primary. This will tell the Spring Framework to use these implementations instead of the old stubs.



import blog.models.Post;
import blog.repositories.PostRepository;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.util.List;

public class PostServiceJpaImpl implements PostService {

private PostRepository postRepo;

public List<Post> findAll() {
return this.postRepo.findAll();

public List<Post> findLatest5() {
return this.postRepo.findLatest5Posts(new PageRequest(0, 5));

public Post findById(Long id) {
return this.postRepo.findOne(id);

public Post create(Post post) {

public Post edit(Post post) {

public void deleteById(Long id) {


The UserService and its implementation are similar to PostService and its implementation.



import blog.models.User;

import java.util.List;

public interface UserService {

List<User> findAll();
User findById(Long id);
User create(User user);
User edit(User user);
void deleteById(Long id);


The UserServiceJpaImpl class just invokes the repository methods to do its job. It is annotated with the @Service and @Primary annotations to tell the Spring Framework to make it available for @Autowire injection in the controllers:



import blog.models.User;
import blog.repositories.UserRepository;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.util.List;

public class UserServiceJpaImpl implements UserService {

private UserRepository userRepo;

public List<User> findAll() {
return this.userRepo.findAll();

public User findById(Long id) {
return this.userRepo.findOne(id);

public User create(User user) {

public User edit(User user) {

public void deleteById(Long id) {


Create the Database with

Ensure the hbm2ddl is enabled (value “create“). This will drop the database at application startup and will re-create the database tables according to the entity classes found in the project.


# Configure Hibernate DDL mode: create / update = create

Build and run the project. Ensure all tables are created in the MySQL. Use MySQL Workbench or other MySQL database administration tool to see the table structures:

The database will be empty: no users, no posts.

After that disable auto-table creation:


# Configure Hibernate DDL mode: create / update = update

Run the project again. You are ready to fill some sample data in the database.

Create Some Sample Data in MySQL (Users and Posts)

Put some data in the MySQL tables. Otherwise the home page will be empty (no blog posts).

You may use the database script from the resources coming with this lab. To insert some users and posts, execute the script db/Sample-data-users-posts.sql:

Check your database tables users and posts:

Test the Sample Users and Posts Data from MySQL

Run the application again to test the sample data:

Part IV: User Accounts with Spring Security

In this section we shall implement user accounts and access permissions, based on the Spring Security framework. This includes user registration, user login, user logout, authentication, authorization, access control, etc.

Sorry, this part of the tutorial is still unfinished. А lot of work will come here for the login / logout to be implemented using the Spring Security framework. You might check this article as reference:

Download the source code of the project up to this step (still unifinished):


Comments (73)

73 Responses to “Creating a Blog System with Spring MVC, Thymeleaf, JPA and MySQL”

  1. puvN says:

    that’s awesome, thanks.
    right now i am developing a website for my portfolio and this helps me so much

  2. Max says:

    Hi. May be you can help me. When I create layout.html file and change index.html I have this exception org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Open quote is expected for attribute “xmlns:th” associated with an element type “html”.

  3. Max says:

    Now I have one more problem
    in file index.html when need change code to

    Post Title

    Posted on

    Svetlin Nakov

    Post content

    all functions “${…}” underlined in red. Intellij write “Cannot resolve …”
    Can you help me?

    • Max says:

      My code does not copy… Maybe you can look when you write “Let’s modify the home page view to display the latest 3 posts:”

  4. Daniel says:

    Hi, it’s really interesting this post however because i’m not a java developer I’m having some problems with the implementations of what it’s missing, would it be possible to provide it?

  5. Luke says:

    Will you finish this tutorial ? it will be very helpful for newbie.

  6. lucas says:

    Pretty good. Need couple tweaks here and there but it covers the basics.

    Can you explain how to publish this online thru AWS or digitalocean etc.

  7. User says:

    I’ve been attempting to follow the tutorial and I’ve run into some problems.
    I definitely wish IntelliJ were smarter when it came to html, and especially Thymeleaf.

    I’m still at the beginning, where the index is loaded with the template. I keep getting a WhiteLabel Error. Even after copying and pasting every file, it still won’t vanish.

    The only difference is that I used gradle instead of maven, but I absolutely have all dependencies accounted for, so, unless there’s something not mentioned about maven, it must be either in my settings on IntelliJ or in the code.

    The WhiteLabel is the following:
    There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).
    Exception parsing document: template=”index”, line 2 – column 16

    So, given that I’ve copied and pasted anything, thymeleaf is enabled like normal, any clue what’s going on?

  8. benjamin says:

    when i do the “Run the Empty Web Application” step. These are some problem when i run the BlogMvcApplication class.The console result are below:
    . ____ _ __ _ _
    /\\ / ___’_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \
    ( ( )\___ | ‘_ | ‘_| | ‘_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
    \\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
    ‘ |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
    :: Spring Boot :: (v1.4.0.RELEASE)

    2016-10-22 00:01:54.408 INFO 17476 — [ main] blog.BlogMvcApplication : Starting BlogMvcApplication on Lenovo-PC-LL with PID 17476 (C:\Users\liang\IdeaProjects\Blog\target\classes started by liang in C:\Users\liang\IdeaProjects\Blog)
    2016-10-22 00:01:54.416 INFO 17476 — [ main] blog.BlogMvcApplication : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
    2016-10-22 00:01:54.678 INFO 17476 — [ main] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@57c758ac: startup date [Sat Oct 22 00:01:54 CST 2016]; root of context hierarchy
    2016-10-22 00:01:57.986 INFO 17476 — [ main] o.s.j.e.a.AnnotationMBeanExporter : Registering beans for JMX exposure on startup
    2016-10-22 00:01:58.009 INFO 17476 — [ main] blog.BlogMvcApplication : Started BlogMvcApplication in 4.522 seconds (JVM running for 5.226)
    2016-10-22 00:01:58.010 INFO 17476 — [ Thread-1] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Closing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@57c758ac: startup date [Sat Oct 22 00:01:54 CST 2016]; root of context hierarchy
    2016-10-22 00:01:58.012 INFO 17476 — [ Thread-1] o.s.j.e.a.AnnotationMBeanExporter : Unregistering JMX-exposed beans on shutdown

    Process finished with exit code 0

    I am the new guy for the IDEA. I think maybe i should configure tomcat for IDEA. Am i right,where is the problem, can you tell me how to fix the problem.Thank you very much!

  9. Stuart says:

    Thanks for this great tutorial, just wondering if there’s any plans to complete the missing parts?

  10. David says:


    This post is amazing and it workssss!!!.

    Just need to know how to add a link in column table to sort columns.

    Anyway, thanks for your work!!


  11. Zita says:


    The tutorial is pretty good, but was a huge disappointment to see that the part I expected the most was missing! I really only needed the Create/Edit post part, which should be the core of a blog website (even more important than user login). Could you fill that in?


  12. Kerim says:

    The best I’ve seen so far, thanks a lot.

  13. Chris says:

    I noticed that there seems to be a NotificationMessage class missing. The NotificationServiceImpl has reference to a List of objects of type NotificationMessage. Can you provide this classfile?

  14. Prerak Shah says:

    should i get direct project file for download?

  15. juw says:

    This blogpost is very complete, detail and helpful for a newcomer in spring boots. Thank you very much to putting so much effort preparing this post.

  16. Anonymous says:

    great article

  17. Vishal says:

    Great post, much appreciate your effort..Can you explain why you did th:value for password label in loginForm
    See below:

  18. Rahul Roy says:

    This was a great post!
    When will you finish the incomplete part such as Security? Waiting in eager anticipation!

  19. xyz says:

    this is the best tutorial by far! please provide the unfinished part

  20. Cahyo says:

    hi, i got problem in index when implement p.title

    title in post class is private.. how can it get called in p.title in index.html

    i always get error in there..

    sorry for bad english, hope you understand thanks

  21. Dewey Banks says:

    Awesome post…. will the Security section be forthcoming? I hope so!!

  22. Marc says:

    the database script you refer to and say is in the project download is not present

  23. Michael says:

    Could somebody complete this amazing application?

  24. Maxim says:

    Hello. A greate tutorial. As I understand you didn`t do this part:
    -Logged in users should be able edit / delete only their own posts.?
    Can you say where can I see how to do this?)

  25. morteza says:

    i proceed with this tutorial and it was okay until i finished part III (Part III: Connect the Application to the DB (Spring Data JPA)) then my application crashed and this message is shown in the console : Field postRepo in required a bean named ‘entityManagerFactory’ that could not be found.
    what should i do?
    it’s driving me crazy.
    thank you

  26. waqas_kamran says:

    Nice tutorial but some improvements needed . some html tags comming back that can be escaped using utext in thymeelaf .

  27. Rajat Kumar Chahar says:

    when i run i get lot of errors .
    something like 66 frames omitted.
    pls help me

  28. bdb says:

    My css is not working to display last 5 posts on the right side… nothing is working

  29. asdf says:

    Where have you created bean definition/initialized for HttpSession before autowiring it in NotificationServiceImpl ?..I am unable to autowire it .

  30. HoaDaiKa says:

    Hi all,
    I have a problem that i don’t know resolve how,
    public Post findById(Long id) {
    return this.postRepo.findOne(id);
    Method findOne is not found in PostService, value return of findOne in Post Service is Post instance, while that value return of findOne is Example instance , it is not mapping right.
    Can you clear me ?

    • Malcolm Bouchee says:

      It appears the library for Spring has changed for Crud Repositories since this post. I replaced findOne with Post post = this.postRepo.findById(id).get(); the “.get()” method returns an actual Post object instead of an optional if it isn’t null;

  31. Michel Blain says:

    Very informative tutorial but I ran into one problem: the error notification messages cannot be removed with …${session.remove… I get an exception “Cannot remove entry: map is immutable” Using thymeleaf-3.0.9.RELEASE. Any suggestion on how to resolve this problem?

    • Amy says:

      I have the same problem. Were you able to fix it?

    • amy says:

      I have been trying to solve this for a couple of days and I finally found the answer in section 3 of:

      by using ${session.remove(‘attribute’)} you are accessing the thymeleaf defined session, which I think only allows you to access the data and not modify it. Instead, you have to access the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession object. You do that by replacing



      • Timo says:

        Thanks for the tips, I was having the same issue! Notifications work for me now.

        • sam says:

          Hey man,have you uploaded it on git ?

          • CloakingOcean says:

            If I’m able to complete this tutorial, I’ll link you to my github repository. Keep in mind I have already made a few edits that seemed to have break the program. Also, my package name is com.cloakingocean.mvcblog. If you change the package name, don’t forget to update it in the HTML files that are referencing classes!

          • CloakingOcean says:

            I should clarify what I meant in my previous post. I meant I made some changes to code in the tutorial that seemed to break the project. My notifications do work, so you can play around with them to discover how to make your’s work. I haven’t completely implemented all of the user-related functions, but hopefully, this will help you. I’ve also decided to link you to a zip file instead of having my repository public.

            I hope this helps:

          • CloakingOcean says:

            *Update*: Sorry to anyone who tried to access the file before this post. I didn’t know that sharing files with a link doesn’t automatically allow people with the link to download it. I’ve updated the sharing options. I hope it helps.

      • Ahmed says:

        I have a problem with the notification it doesn`t apear any messages

      • CloakingOcean says:

        Thank you very much amy! I greatly appreciate your research, making this tutorial very smooth for me!

  32. Phan Nha says:

    how to add images in a post?

  33. Edulite says:

    Thanks for sharing this way of creating a blogging system using java frameworks.

  34. dinesh says:

    nice tutorial,where is the register.html file

  35. Scott Macdonald says:

    Nice article – however – you need to remove those smart quotes in some of the code examples.

  36. Tomek says:

    Hi, I finished course assumptions. You can check it hear:

    • Bala says:

      Awesome. The original didn’t work since it threw an error in the “HttpSession” in the NotificationController. I downloaded your version and it works great.

    • arbaz says:

      Including the missing part?

        • nikola says:

          Hello, Tomek,
          I am checking your project, and I have problems with the delete() function in PostServiceJpaImpl&UserServiceJpaImpl when you try to delete by ID and getId() function in the PostServiceJpaImpl in findById function. If you see this message, can you help me?

  37. Alex says:

    I am new to spring. so can somebody explain why two hrefs are being used at the same link ?

  38. Bala says:

    This is a great project and very well written. Thanks a lot for putting this together for us.

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