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Thoughts on Software Engineering

Blockchain Cryptography for Developers: ECC, secp256k1, SCrypt, AES, Wallets

Recently I had a talk about the basics of cryptography for blockchain developers at the Bulgarian Web Summit 2018. I am happy to succeed to introduce the most important concepts of the elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), key derivation and encryption (SCrypt, AES and HMAC), digital signatures (ECDSA, sign / verify) and crypto-wallets (HD wallets, mnemonics and BIP39, BIP44 and key derivation) with live examples in Python in just 45 minutes.

Video: Cryptography for Blockchain Developers (English)

Video: Cryptography for Blockchain Developers (Bulgarian)

Slides: Cryptography for Blockchain Developers

Comments (5)

5 Responses to “Blockchain Cryptography for Developers: ECC, secp256k1, SCrypt, AES, Wallets”

  1. rotativki says:

    благодаря за придобитите умения

  2. Благодаря за такава ценна статия!

  3. Kazino Igri says:

    Доста полезно, благодаря!

  4. octordle says:

    I very like your post!

  5. octordle says:

    I very like your post! Thanks you!

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