Category: english

Turtle Graphics Library for C# and .NET

Turtle Graphics .NET – C# Open Source Library

February 14, 2016
Albeit left behind to a certain extent, the good old turtle is still an excellent way to introduce people to the world of programming. “Turtle graphics” has implementations in a variety of languages with Logo being the trendsetter for the older school of programmers and survives to this day with a very beginner friendly and

ASP.NET MVC Practical Hands-On Lab Tutorial (Free from the Software University)

May 28, 2015
As part of the ASP.NET MVC Web Development course at the Software University I developed a practical MVC hand-on lab (tutorial) that gives rich experience in building data-driven Web applications with ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET MVC 5, SQL Server, C#, Visual Studio, Entity Framework (code first), AJAX, jQuery, Bootstrap and other modern technologies and tools. In

Database Apps, Entity Framework, SQL Server, XML & JSON – Practical Hands On Lab by Nakov

March 23, 2015
The goal of this practical hands on lab is to learn how to develop database applications with C#, Entity Framework and SQL Server. If you follow the tutorial steps below, you will learn how to create a database, map the database to EF data model (database first and code first), query the database, import and

ASP.NET MVC Web API Identity (OWIN Security): Auto Login after Register + Custom Login Service Endpoint

December 22, 2014
Recently I worked on ASP.NET MVC WebAPI-based REST service and I needed to implement public services + non-public services (after login). I needed very simple register / login / logout. I started from the default Web API REST service template from Visual Studio and this ended to tons of auto-generated code for my services. Nice,

Fundamentals of Programming with C#: Free Book, Videos, Presentations and Mind Maps

January 13, 2014
After years of hard work the free book “Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#” was finally published (in September 2013). The free C# book comes with free video lessons, presentation slides, mind maps, exercises, guidelines and exercise solutions to help learners to study the foundations of computer programming and trainers to teach newbies in programming,

New Free Courses for Developers at Telerik Software Academy (August / September 2013)

August 16, 2013
With the autumn at the corner, we at Telerik Software Academy think it is time to make a fresh start and undertake an adventure. Telerik Academy is rolling out a set of exciting, brand new free courses that will rock your world. From developing slick mobile apps for Windows 8, to understanding the key concepts

Free Public Speaking Event @ Telerik Academy (Toastmasters Club Sofia), 27-November-2012

November 20, 2012
We are happy to announce an event, especially organized for those of you who want to improve their public speaking skills (in English). A demonstrational meeting held by the Toastmasters Club Sofia will take place in our “Light” training hall on November, 27th 2012 (Tuesday) @18:30. How Toastmasters Public Speaking Workshops Work? A Toastmasters meeting

Cloud Platforms for .NET Developers – My Talk at DevReach 2012

October 4, 2012
I was invited to give a talk at DevReach 2012 – the largest developer conference in South-Eastern Europe. DevReach 2012 will host 60+ sessions in 6 parallel tracks (Web, Mobile, Cloud, Architecture, Agile and Testing) in 2 days. It will be held in Sofia (4-5 October) and is organized by Telerik and Martin Kulov. My