Category: english


Креативност и мисловни карти в управлението на проекти – 9 юли

July 6, 2012
PMI Bulgaria (българската секция на Международния институт по управление на проекти PMI) организира “16th PMI Bulgaria Chapter Members Meeting” на тема “Creativity and Mind Maps in Project Management” на 9 юли (понеделник) от 18:30 часа в Софтуерната академия на Телерик (зала Ентерпрайс). Програма на обучението Семинарите на PMI Bulgaria по принцип са за членовете на

10+ High-Quality Free WordPress Themes

May 28, 2012
I often create simple Web sites and in most cases I use WordPress as a CMS (content management system). If the customer does not need something very special and unique, I prefer to use proven free WordPress themes or paid themes from Theme Forest (if I have non-zero budget). This works well for small Web

Open Questions Plugin for Question2Answer Q&A Platform

April 30, 2012
I use the Questions2Answer Q&A platform (Q2A) for Telerik Software Academy forums. It is great discussion board implemented in the “stackoverflow” style: questions with answers and comments, tags and categories, voting and gamification with a score system and a leaderboard. One feature missing in Q2A is displaying the open unanswered questions. There is a similar

Online AES Encryption Tool

December 26, 2011
Few day ago I needed a JavaScript AES implementation (the Rijndael advanced encryption algorithm) which I can test instantly in my Web browser (two fields “text” and “password” and “encrypt” button). I searched for “online AES tool” but found nothing that is ready-to-use so I needed to write one. For those who need instant online

Simplified Console Input Class for C#, Similar to “cin >> a >> b” in C++ and java.util.Scanner

November 23, 2011
Recently I was again asked how do we perform “cin >> a >> b” in C# or how we can enter a sequence of numbers from the console in C#. In C++ we have very powerful class called “cin” (more correctly std::cin located in the standard library “iosteam”) that overloads the >> operator and allows

Scrum Seminar with Stephen Forte and Joel Semeniuk – 20 October, 19:00 @ Telerik Academy

October 3, 2011
For the entire Scrum community in Bulgaria I am happy to announce that Telerik Academy will host a seminar on agile development with the Scrum, Kanban and Lean methodologies on 20 October 2011 in Sofia. Seminar Topic and Annotation Come talk Scrum with the Scrum Guys: Kanban, Scrum / Agile Q&A In this session Joel

Guidelines for Successfully Passing a Software Engineering Job Interview

September 29, 2011
As experienced software engineer, team leader of software development projects and trainer of skillful IT professionals I often conduct job interviews and prepare people for passing a software development / computer programming job interviews. Instead explaining everyone separately the concepts how to pass software engineering interview I wrote a presentation (in English) and recorded a

ASP.NET User Control to Display Notifications (Info / Warning / Error Messages)

August 5, 2011
Modern Web applications need to have a way to inform the user about the result of their actions. For example if someone press the “Save” button, he or she should be notified with a message like “Document saved” or error message “Cannot save the document”. In addition some of the notifications are not too important