Debugging Java Applets in Eclipse
August 20, 2008
Today I needed to debug Java applet running in Internet Explorer from Eclipse. I was not straightforward. Let me share the experience how to do this: 1) First enable remote debugging in the Java Plugin: a) Start –> Settings –> Control Panel –> Java –> Java Applet Runtime Settings –> View b) Add the following
Third IT Boxing Match: Platforms for Enterprise Development, Web Services and SOA
June 21, 2008
Finally I am ready with the preparation of the third IT Boxing event for software engineers – 25 June 2008, in Sofia. IT Boxing Championship: Platforms for Enterprise Development, Web Services and SOA (Java vs. .NET) Date: 25 June 2008 (Thursday), 18:00 h Location: Park Hotel “Moscow”, Sofia, Hall “Moscow” Sponsored by: Telerik and VMWare
Finding the Directory Where Your Java .class File is Loaded From
June 11, 2008
Today I had to solve an unusual problem: I needed to find the directory that was used to load a specific Java .class file (the location in the file system of given .class file). I needed it because I wanted to load resources located somewhere in the classPath with file access API (not with accessable
ASP.NET vs. PHP vs. Java Web Frameworks vs. Ruby on Rails – 6 March 2008 – park-hotel “Moscow”, Sofia
February 26, 2008
The topic of this event is “Web Development Technologies: ASP.NET vs. Java & JSF vs. PHP vs. Ruby”. The .NET team will present the ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET MVC and the new ASP.NET extensions in .NET Framework 3.5. The Java team will stand up for JavaServer Faces (JSF), Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Echo Framework and
The .NET Team Won The First “IT Boxing” Match : ADO.NET+LINQ vs. Hibernate and JPA
December 12, 2007
The “IT Boxing” Visited by 250 Developers! On 11 December 2007 I organized the largest event of the Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD). It was held in Sofia and was visited by 250 software engineers and thus BASD was proved to be #1 community organization in Bulgaria. The subject of this first “IT Boxing”
IT Boxing – ADO.NET Entity Framework and LINQ vs. Java Persistence API (JPA) and Hibernate
December 6, 2007
Next week (11 December 2007) I organized very interesting event for developers in Sofia: IT Boxing championship where .NET and Java developers will dispute the state-of-the-art data access technologies in their platforms: About the IT Boxing Championship The initiative “IT Boxing Championship” is a series of events organized by the Bulgarian Association of Software
Roman Strobl in Sofia for our SwingX and NetBeans Event
November 27, 2007
The distinguished NetBeans development evangelist Roman Strobl will come tomorrow at the SwingX and NetBeans event organized by the Bulgarian Association of Software Development (BASD) and the Bulgarian Java User Group: Roman Strobl has over 7 years of experience doing software development in Java and all sorts of scripting languages. His expertise includes software
Swing, SwingX and NetBeans 6 Seminar
November 13, 2007
Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD) kindly invites you to the next meeting of the Bulgarian Java User Group (BGJUG). The topic will be “Rich Client Applications using NetBeans 6 and Java Swing”. The objectives of this seminar is to show how to easily develop Rich Client applications using NetBeans 6 and Swing. The focus