I am very happy to announce that SoftUni is now global. We are building a global learn-to-code community, which provides a free mentorship help for code learners, along with weekly code lessons with hands-on exercises, video tutorials, events for developers and other free learning resources. Come and join for free, learn coding, get help from
On 24 April 2010 I was invited along with my colleague Mihail Stoynov as speakers at a half-day seminar on Java 7. In 3 sequential sessions we presented in deep details what is coming with the new release of the Java platform – Java 7, which is expected to be released in the end of
Last Sunday I was given an invited talk in the Club “Stop and Think!” about writing open source books with a large team of 30 authors. This process is really a challenge because the authors are enthusiasts and they write for the good of the community. You are not their boss because you don’t pay
Today I granted to the community (under MIT license) the source code of the most interesting algorithms designed for my PhD thesis (implemented in C#): MMEDR – algorithm for measuring weighted orthographic similarity between Bulgarian and Russian words taking into account some linguistically motivated Bulgarian-Russian correspondences (current supports Bulgarian and Russian only) SemSim – algorithm