Starting from February 2010 I will lead a team of software engineering professionals from Telerik Corporation who will teach the course “High-Quality Programming Code” in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI) at Sofia University and at the Technical Univesity – Sofia (TU-Sofia). The course complements the fundamental university education with important software development and
I was recently invited by the Board of European Students of Technology (B.E.S.T. Sofia) to give a talk on “Practical Software Engineering Fundamentals” in the Technical University of Sofia. The event is designed for students who wants to become software engineers. Venue: TU-Sofia, hall 1153 Date: 8 February (Monday), 18:00 Software engineering defines the software
In the last few months I am working as full-time consultant for the training initiatives in Telerik. It is really an exciting company and I really enjoy my job as manager of the technical training and university relations. I still can’t believe that Telerik is really perfectly organized company, beyond my expectations and even dreams.
Starting from March 2009 I left the National Academy for Software Development (NASD). NASD was really nice project and it was running successfully for few years but the idea changed so much that from some point in 2008 I was no longer able to enjoy doing this work. Why I left NASD? 1) My dream
For development purposes and small applications I prefer using Oracle Database 10g Express Edition instead of the heavyweight Oracle Database 10g / 11g Enterprise. It can be installed and run for just 2-3 minutes but it has a small problem: by default the TNS Listener listens for connections on port 1521 from the local machine
As part of my work in the National Academy for Software Development (NASD) I am deeply involved in the organization of an interesting event for C++ developers: the First Bulgarian C++ Conference. I am excited of being able to establish a C++ users group in Bulgaria and to organize the technical part of the conference.
The distinguished NetBeans development evangelist Roman Strobl will come tomorrow at the SwingX and NetBeans event organized by the Bulgarian Association of Software Development (BASD) and the Bulgarian Java User Group: Roman Strobl has over 7 years of experience doing software development in Java and all sorts of scripting languages. His expertise includes software
My name is Svetlin Nakov. I am software engineer, consultant, trainer, book writer and enterpreneur from Sofia, Bulgaria. My primary concern is software engineering and training. I have very rich experience in different technical and management positions, starting from Basic and Pascal developer on Apple II (in 1991), passing through Delphi, C, C++, Java, C#,