
New Book: Introduction To Programming With C#

November 21, 2009
Today I with Vesko Kolev started a new project: writing a C# book in Bulgarian for beginners that covers the fundamental concepts of computer programming, data structures and algorithms as well as object-oriented concepts, high-quality programming code and problem solving. The book is titled “Introduction to Programming with C#” and will be based on its

My Talk at OpenFest2009 – Writing Open Source Books with Large Team of Authors

November 9, 2009
Yesterday I delivered a talk at OpenFest’2009 to share my rich experience in writing free open-source books with a large team authors and editors. Particuarly I presented the methodology, the organizational and management practices I applied during the work on my last successfull project of this kind: the open source book “Introduction to Programming with

Introduction to Programming with Java Book – New Web Site

October 20, 2009
My open-source book “Introduction to Programming with Java” has new Web site: The book is written by a team of 30 authors managed by me and is an excellent tutorial for beginners. It is a book about the fundamentals of computer programming, data strustures, algorithms and logical thinking, not just a Java book. The

The Book “Introduction to Programming with Java” is Finally Published

December 26, 2008
Recently my team of 20 authors and few editors working on creating a contemporary book about the fundamentals of computer programming, data structures and algorithms is ready with the public official release of the book: The book “Introduction to Programming with Java” focuses on the fundamentals of computer programming, logical, algorithmical thinking, problem solving,

Open Source Book “Introduction to Programming with Java”

July 25, 2008
Last week I started a project to create a new book for sofwate engineers: “Introduction to Programming with Java”. The book will focus on the fundamentals of computer programming rather than on the Java language. This is not a book about Java. This is a book about the concepts of computer programming. It is intended

Advanced JavaScript, AJAX and Web 2.0 Course

November 19, 2007
I am organizing the first in Bulgaria training course for Advanced JavaScript, AJAX and Web 2.0 development: on 6-7, 13-15 December, 2007. It will be a nice and serious training. Advanced JavaScript, AJAX and Web 2.0 Programming Course The JavaScript language is the core part of the modern Web 2.0 applications and AJAX frameworks.