IT Professions, Digitalization and The Future

December 16, 2022
I had a talk about the IT professions and their future and I explained why the IT and tech jobs will dominate in the next few decades and how the digital transformation will make all industries smarter and more efficient. I share with you my slides: The Professions in the IT Industry The landscape of

Cryptography for Absolute Beginners – Nakov @ Sofia Science Festival (May 2019)

May 13, 2019
I was invited speaker at the Sofia Science Festival (May 2019). My talk was about cryptography, but for non-technical people, absolute beginners, without any math or programming background. Slides: Cryptography for Absolute Beginners These are my presentation slides about hash functions, MAC codes, key derivation functions, symmetric encryption and AES, asymmetric encryption and ECIES, digital

From Traditional Cloud to Decentralized Cloud – Nakov @ CodeMonsters 2018

November 29, 2018
Today I had a nice talk about the upcoming decentralized cloud platforms, which will provide decentralized computing, along with decentralized storage, decentralized databases, decentralized messaging and many other services. Video (English) – Decentralized Cloud Slides – Decentralized Cloud

Crypto-Wallets: A Technical Perspective – Nakov @ OpenFest 2018

November 4, 2018
Today a gave a technical talk titled “Crypto Wallets: A Technical Perspective” at the OpenFest 2018 conference in Sofia about crypto wallets, wallet standards and the cryptography behind them, with live examples in JavaScript. Slides from OpenFest 2018 – Crypto Wallets: A Technical Perspective (by Svetlin Nakov)  Video from OpenFest 2018 – Crypto Wallets: A Technical Perspective

Speaker at BlockWorld 2018: Client-Side Wallets and Cryptography. Meet SoftUni and Svetlin Nakov @ BlockWorld

July 11, 2018
I am happy to announce that I will give two technical talks in the world’s largest and most significant technical conference for blockchain developers: BlockWorld 2018 @ San Jose (California) – 13-14 September 2018. This is the next step in establishing SoftUni as the leading provider of blockchain technical education worldwide, just after the blockchain

Fundamentals of Programming with C#: Free Book, Videos, Presentations and Mind Maps

January 13, 2014
After years of hard work the free book “Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#” was finally published (in September 2013). The free C# book comes with free video lessons, presentation slides, mind maps, exercises, guidelines and exercise solutions to help learners to study the foundations of computer programming and trainers to teach newbies in programming,

Open Questions Plugin for Question2Answer Q&A Platform

April 30, 2012
I use the Questions2Answer Q&A platform (Q2A) for Telerik Software Academy forums. It is great discussion board implemented in the “stackoverflow” style: questions with answers and comments, tags and categories, voting and gamification with a score system and a leaderboard. One feature missing in Q2A is displaying the open unanswered questions. There is a similar

Cloud for Developers – лекция и видео от MS Days 2012

March 30, 2012
В последно време доста се занимавам с cloud технологии покрай cloud development курса, който правим с колеги в софтуерната академия. През 2012 г. разработката на софтуер в cloud среда и изобщо cloud технологиите продължават да са основен фокус на повечето технологични конференции. По случая аз бях поканен за лектор на MS Days 2012 (годишната технологична