
Playing with the Scanner with WIA and C#

November 17, 2009
Last week I needed to implement a piece of software for scanning small documents (bank payment orders). The problem was to scan documents with specific size (less than A4) in 300 DPI and with normal brightness and contrast. I found that in C# there are two general approaches to this problem: Using the TWAIN interface

Security and Administration of Oracle Database – Course @ FMI, Sofia University

November 10, 2009
I am involved in the teaching and organization of the course “Security and Administration of Oracle Database” which is held for the MSc programs in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI) of Sofia University. The course is part of the MSc program “Information Protection in the Computer Systems and Networks”. The main lecturer in

My Talk at OpenFest2009 – Writing Open Source Books with Large Team of Authors

November 9, 2009
Yesterday I delivered a talk at OpenFest’2009 to share my rich experience in writing free open-source books with a large team authors and editors. Particuarly I presented the methodology, the organizational and management practices I applied during the work on my last successfull project of this kind: the open source book “Introduction to Programming with

Tesseract OCR Engine – Technical Talk at OpenFest’2009

November 8, 2009
Today I had a technical talk at OpenFest 2009 along with my colleague Vesko Kolev. We presented the OCR technologies and the open source OCR engine Tesseract. I demonstrated hot to download and compile tesseract, how it works, when it recognizes text correctly and when it fails and how to train it in a new

Using Oracle Membership Provider in a Transaction

October 25, 2009
ASP.NET membership providers are nice framework for managing users and roles in ASP.NET Web applications but they have a strong weakness: they do not support transactions. Why We Need Transactions During User Registration? We may need to use transactions for example when we want to register new user account, assign few roles to it and

Introduction to Programming with Java Book – New Web Site

October 20, 2009
My open-source book “Introduction to Programming with Java” has new Web site: The book is written by a team of 30 authors managed by me and is an excellent tutorial for beginners. It is a book about the fundamentals of computer programming, data strustures, algorithms and logical thinking, not just a Java book. The

How to Write a Book with Team of 30 Authors – Invited Talk

October 18, 2009
Last Sunday I was given an invited talk in the Club “Stop and Think!” about writing open source books with a large team of 30 authors. This process is really a challenge because the authors are enthusiasts and they write for the good of the community. You are not their boss because you don’t pay

Open Source Toolkit for Extraction of Cognates and False Friends (TECFF)

September 30, 2009
Today I granted to the community (under MIT license) the source code of the most interesting algorithms designed for my PhD thesis (implemented in C#): MMEDR – algorithm for measuring weighted orthographic similarity between Bulgarian and Russian words taking into account some linguistically motivated Bulgarian-Russian correspondences (current supports Bulgarian and Russian only) SemSim – algorithm