Category: english


Students IT Olympiad – Varna 2010 – My Lectures

May 30, 2010
The final round of the Bulgarian IT Olympiad for school students was held on 29-30 May 2010 in Varna. I was invited to be part of the judge team in the category “Software Applications”. The reglament of the Olympiad says that students develop software at home and presents the results at the Olympiad. The most

Java 7 New Features – Seminar in Technical University – Sofia, Organized by the Bulgarian Java User Group (BGJUG)

May 20, 2010
I was speaker along with my colleague Mihail Stoynov at the seminar organized by the Bulgarian Java User Group (BGJUG) on 20 May 2010 in the Technical University of Sofia. We presented the upcoming Java 7 and its amazing new features like the built-in JVM support of dynamic languages (Da Vinci Virtual Machine), the small

C# Fundamentals Course @ Telerik Academy Finished

May 10, 2010
The Telerik Academy free training program for .NET software engineers is an exciting opportunity for smart and motivated young people to be trained for 6 months for real world software engineers and start their professional career. C# Fundamentals Course – Part I We started our first training season in March 2010 with free C# programming

Java 7 New Features – Seminar in Cairo, at the Egyptian Java User Group (EGJUG)

May 3, 2010
Last week I was invited by Ahmed Hashim, the Egyptian Java User Group (EGJUG) leader for a technical talk about what is coming in Java 7. I was happy to perform a talk in the Faculty of Computers and Informatics (FCI) of Cairo University in front of 60-70 keen Java developers: I presented the key

Java 7 Seminar by Svetlin Nakov and Mihail Stoynov @ BGOUG in Plovdiv

April 24, 2010
On 24 April 2010 I was invited along with my colleague Mihail Stoynov as speakers at a half-day seminar on Java 7. In 3 sequential sessions we presented in deep details what is coming with the new release of the Java platform – Java 7, which is expected to be released in the end of

Svetlin Nakov was Awarded with a PhD Degree in Informatics

April 12, 2010
Today Svetlin Nakov defended successfully his PhD thesis titled “Automatic Extraction of False Friends from Parallel Bilingual Corpus” and was awarded with the scientific and educational degree “Doctor of Philosopy” (PhD) in Informatics in the area of computational linguistics. The thesis was defended according to the Bulgarian law, in front of the Specialized Scientific Council

High-Quality-Programming Code Course @ Sofia University (FMI)

March 2, 2010
On 23 February 2010 the course “High-Quality Programming Code” which is held in the Technical University of Sofia (TU) started in Sofia University (SU), at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI). It was approved by the Faculty Council as optional subject. This means that students can choose whether to go to the course or

High-Quality Programming Code Course @ TU-Sofia

February 23, 2010
The course “High-Quality Programming Code” provides fundamental principles and practices for building high-quality software with focus on the source code. The course is held as elective training in the Technical University of Sofia (TU-Sofia) and targets the students from the computer science related specialties. Its aims are to improve junior developers showing them best programming