Category: english


Software Architectures: Client-Server, Multi-Tier, MVC, MVP, MVVM, IoC, DI, SOA, Cloud Computing

June 29, 2011
Few days ago I gave a talk about software architectures. My goal was to explain as easy as possible the main ideas behind the most popular software architectures like the client-server model, the 3-tier and multi-tier layered models, the idea behind SOA architecture and cloud computing, and few widely used architectural patterns like MVC (Model-View-Controller),

Peter-Paul Koch (PPK) at the Front-End Day in Telerik Academy

April 27, 2011
Telerik organized the first front-end development conference in Bulgaria – Front-End Day 2011. It was held in Sofia, in April 26-27. Our guests were Peter-Paul Koch (PPK) and few other Web, front-end and mobile Web development gurus. It was a nice event, focusing on the modern Web front-end technologies. The second day was hosted in

High-Quality Code Course – Open for All Universities in Sofia

January 31, 2011
I am happy to announce that I and my team of experienced speakers will teach the “High Quality Code Construction” course again starting in February. The course will be held in Sofia University at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics and in parallel in the Telerik Academy (for students from TU-Sofia, NBU and UNIBIT). Students

Java EE Lecture – JDBC and XML

January 30, 2011
Last Saturday I was speaker in the VUZF university as part of the lectures of the Java EE open course that we teach each Saturday. I presented few lectures about JDBC, XML and XML parsers. Students came from Sofia University, TU-Sofia, NBU and even school students and professionals from the industry came to learn and

Native SQL Queries in Entity Framework

January 12, 2011
ADO.NET Entity Framework (EF) is powerful object-relational persistence framework. It has great capabilities for querying the database with LINQ but sometimes a custom native SQL could be more efficient way to execute a certain native SQL command or query directly at database level. To execute native SQL query in EF you could use the following

My Talk about High Quality Code at the BGOUG Autumn Meeting in Pravetz

November 19, 2010
It is late evening (… or let’s say it correctly, 4:30 early in the morning, 19 November 2010). I finally finished preparing my presentation for my upcoming talks at the next morning at the Autumn Conference of the Bulgarian Oracle User Group (BGOUG) in Pravetz. I will talk about creating high-quality programming code in Java:

The Future of Silverlight – Silverlight Firestarter

November 17, 2010
Today I was asked by Microsoft Corp. to invite all interested Silverlight and .NET developers to attend a very special online event called “Silverlight Firestarter” at 2nd December 2010. Attendees will learn about the future of Silverlight from Corporate Vice President, Scott Guthrie and other experts, direct from Microsoft’s HQ and will hear about Microsoft’s

Telerik is the Best Employer for 2010 in Bulgaria!

November 12, 2010
Today the reputable survey of Aon Hewitt (the #1 human capital consulting company in the world) has shown that Telerik Corp. is the best employer for Bulgaria for 2010 in the category “Small and middle enterprises”. It is the leader not only in the IT sector but globally, in all industries. I am proud to