My Free Java Foundations Full Course: 30 Hours Video Tutorial + 55 Hands-On Exercises
January 3, 2022
I am happy to publish my Free Java Foundations Full Course (30 hours video tutorial + 74 hands-on exercises). This course is designed as next step after the “Java Basics” free course. It will help you learn the core of programming with Java, using a practical, hands-on approach. In this free Java programming course I
Functional Programming: Overview
November 15, 2021
I recently published a free video lesson about the concepts of functional programming, where I explained and demonstrated the functional programming paradigm. Learn more at Functional programming (FP) is a style of programming based on composing pure functions, while avoiding shared state, mutable data, and side-effects. It’s important, because most modern mainstream programming languages (like JavaScript, Python,
My Java Basics Full Course: Free 13 Hours Java Video Tutorial + 74 Hands-On Exercises
October 26, 2021
I am happy to publish my free Java coding basics course for absolute beginners in computer programming (13 hours video tutorial + 74 hands-on exercises). This is an excellent Java coding video tutorial, which gets deep into basic programming concepts, such as coding techniques, algorithmic thinking, problem solving and debugging. Access the free Java coding
Free Java Video Tutorial: Part 3 – Console-Based Input and Output
October 20, 2021
Today I published the third part of my free Java video tutorial with hands-on exercises. It covers the console-based input and output in Java: reading text and numbers using java.util.Scanner and printing text, numbers and formatted output using System.out.print(), System.out.println(), System.out.printf(). Learn more at Watch the video tutorial in YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube
Free Java Video Tutorial: Part 2 – Using Java IDE
October 16, 2021
I am happy to post my second code lesson in YouTube. This is the second part of my “Java tutorial” series of video lessons for absolute beginners: My plan for the next few weeks is to create an publish a tutorial of 10-15 free Java video lessons, which lay the foundation of programming in Java
Free Java Video Tutorial: Part 1 – Getting Started with Java
October 15, 2021
I am happy to announce that I am starting a free video tutorial for beginners in Java programming today: This is a hand-on free training, with a plenty of practical coding exercises, which you solve and send for automated online grading. Try it! You learn coding by coding. Learn by doing: this is my proven
СофтУни 5.0: качествено практическо образование за софтуерни инженери, вече с 8 професии
June 22, 2020
СофтУни продължава да се разраства и да надгражда своите практически образователни програми по софтуерно инженерство, дигитален маркетинг и графичен дизайн и визуализация, в които всяка година се обучават десетки хиляди студенти. Да си безапелационен лидер в дигиталното и технологичното образование и да държиш топ ниво години наред изисква непрестанно развитие, надграждане и усъвършенстване на образователното
Масиви и списъци в C#, Java, Python и JavaScript – уебинар
April 21, 2020
Споделям презентация и видео на тема “Работа с масиви и списъци в C#, Java, JavaScript и Python” от вчерашното включване на живо, в което обясних какво представляват списъчните структури, за какво се ползват и демонстрирах с код на живо на няколко езика за програмиране (C#, Java, Python и JS) основни операции със списъците и масивите: