Безплатен курс по програмиране за Java EE – от 9 октомври 2010 в ТУ-София
October 5, 2010
Всички фенове на Java технологиите, които искат да овладеят програмирането за Java и Java EE платформите с Oracle, Spring, Hibernate и JSF, са поканени на 8-месечен безплатен курс (лекции + практически упражнения) в ТУ-София, зала 1154 Б от 9 октомври 2010 г. Курсът е организиран от Студентски съвет към ТУ-София. Прилагам официалната покана за курса:Вярвам,
Free Java EE Course in the Technical University of Sofia
September 28, 2010
Thanks to the Student’s Council of the Technical University of Sofia we organize a serious long-term course in Java and Java EE in the Technical University of Sofia. The course will be held each Saturday (all the day) in the Technical University of Sofia, starting in the middle of October 2010 and will finish in
Video from the Java 7 Seminar @ TU-Sofia
June 9, 2010
The video from the seminar about Java 7 organized by the Bulgarian Java User Group (BGJUG) on 20.05.2010 in the Technical University of Sofia is finally published (thanks to Yordan Yovkov for the video processing): http://www.archive.org/details/Java_7_New_Features_2 http://www.archive.org/details/Java_7_New_Features_3 At the seminar (and also in the recorded videos) I and Mihail Stoynov explained in details the following
Java 7 New Features – Seminar in Technical University – Sofia, Organized by the Bulgarian Java User Group (BGJUG)
May 20, 2010
I was speaker along with my colleague Mihail Stoynov at the seminar organized by the Bulgarian Java User Group (BGJUG) on 20 May 2010 in the Technical University of Sofia. We presented the upcoming Java 7 and its amazing new features like the built-in JVM support of dynamic languages (Da Vinci Virtual Machine), the small
Java 7 New Features – Seminar in Cairo, at the Egyptian Java User Group (EGJUG)
May 3, 2010
Last week I was invited by Ahmed Hashim, the Egyptian Java User Group (EGJUG) leader for a technical talk about what is coming in Java 7. I was happy to perform a talk in the Faculty of Computers and Informatics (FCI) of Cairo University in front of 60-70 keen Java developers: I presented the key
Java 7 Seminar by Svetlin Nakov and Mihail Stoynov @ BGOUG in Plovdiv
April 24, 2010
On 24 April 2010 I was invited along with my colleague Mihail Stoynov as speakers at a half-day seminar on Java 7. In 3 sequential sessions we presented in deep details what is coming with the new release of the Java platform – Java 7, which is expected to be released in the end of
X.509 Certificate Validation in Java: Build and Verify Chain and Verify CLR with Bouncy Castle
December 1, 2009
For one of my recent projects I needed to implement X.509 certificate validation library that validates a certificate across given set of trusted root certificated and a set of intermediate certificate. Initially I thought this is a problem that has already out-of-the-box solution in BouncyCastle but the CRL verification was found to be unpleasant to
Introduction to Programming with Java Book – New Web Site
October 20, 2009
My open-source book “Introduction to Programming with Java” has new Web site: www.introprogramming.info. The book is written by a team of 30 authors managed by me and is an excellent tutorial for beginners. It is a book about the fundamentals of computer programming, data strustures, algorithms and logical thinking, not just a Java book. The