Svetlin Nakov has 20+ years of technical background as software engineer, project manager, consultant, trainer, and digital entrepreneur with rich technical experience (Web development, information systems, databases, software engineering, cryptography, blockchain, C#, Java, JS, PHP, Python). Svetlin Nakov is a regular speaker at hundreds of conferences, seminars, courses and other trainings and holds a PhD degree in computer science. He is author of 15 books about computer programming and software technologies, lives in Sofia, Bulgaria and works as an passionate trainer and inspirer at SoftUni.
Starting from February 2010 I will lead a team of .NET software engineering professionals who will teach the course “Web Applications Development with .NET Framework and ASP.NET” at the Technical Univesity – Sofia (TU-Sofia). The course complements the fundamental university education with contemporary Web development technologies. The outcomes for the students are the acquisition of
I was recently invited by the Board of European Students of Technology (B.E.S.T. Sofia) to give a talk on “Practical Software Engineering Fundamentals” in the Technical University of Sofia. The event is designed for students who wants to become software engineers. Venue: TU-Sofia, hall 1153 Date: 8 February (Monday), 18:00 Software engineering defines the software
In the last few months I am working as full-time consultant for the training initiatives in Telerik. It is really an exciting company and I really enjoy my job as manager of the technical training and university relations. I still can’t believe that Telerik is really perfectly organized company, beyond my expectations and even dreams.
Starting from March 2009 I left the National Academy for Software Development (NASD). NASD was really nice project and it was running successfully for few years but the idea changed so much that from some point in 2008 I was no longer able to enjoy doing this work. Why I left NASD? 1) My dream
For one of my recent projects I needed to implement X.509 certificate validation library that validates a certificate across given set of trusted root certificated and a set of intermediate certificate. Initially I thought this is a problem that has already out-of-the-box solution in BouncyCastle but the CRL verification was found to be unpleasant to
For my last project we used Oracle 10g and NHibernate ORM framework (the project was started 4-5 yars ago, long before LINQ and ADO.NET Entity Framework). I had a database table which holds payment information along with scanned images of the payment documents. Usually such tables are mapped with a class fully corresponding to the
Today I with Vesko Kolev started a new project: writing a C# book in Bulgarian for beginners that covers the fundamental concepts of computer programming, data structures and algorithms as well as object-oriented concepts, high-quality programming code and problem solving. The book is titled “Introduction to Programming with C#” and will be based on its
Last week I needed to implement a piece of software for scanning small documents (bank payment orders). The problem was to scan documents with specific size (less than A4) in 300 DPI and with normal brightness and contrast. I found that in C# there are two general approaches to this problem: Using the TWAIN interface