Svetlin Nakov – Publications
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Scientific Conference Papers
Nakov S. Automatic Identification of False Friends in Parallel Corpora: Statistical and Semantic Approach. Serdica Journal of Computing, volume 3, pp. 133-158, ISSN 1312-6555, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2009 (in English)
Nakov S., Nakov P., Paskaleva E. Unsupervised Extraction of False Friends from Parallel Bi-Texts Using the Web as a Corpus. Proceedings of RANLP 2009, pages 292-298, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2009 (in English)
PDF file
Presentation (PPT file)
Nakov S., Paskaleva E., Nakov P. A Knowledge-Rich Approach to Measuring the Similarity between Bulgarian and Russian Words, Workshop on Multilingual Resources, Technologies and Evaluation for Central and Eastern European Languages held in conjuction with RANLP 2009, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2009 (in English)
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Presentation (PPT file)
Nakov S., Automatic Acquisition of Synonyms Using the Web as a Corpus, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference (DSC 2008), Volume 2, pp. 216-229, ISBN 978-960-89629-7-2, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-27 June 2008 (in English)
PDF file
Presentation (PPT file)
Nakov S., Measuring Cross-Lingual Semantic Similarity by Searching in Google, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference “The Language: A Phenomenon Without Frontiers”, Varna, Bulgaria, 12-14 June 2008
(in Bulgarian)
PDF file
Presentation (PPT file)
Nakov P., Nakov S., Paskaleva E., Improved Word Alignments Using the Web as a Corpus, Proceedings of the International Conference RANLP 2007 (Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing), pp. 400-405, ISBN 978-954-91743-7-3, Borovets, Bulgaria, 27-29 September 2007 (in English)
PDF file
Presentation (PPT file)
Nakov S., Nakov P., Paskaleva E., Cognate or False Friend? Ask the Web!, Proceedings of the International Workshop “Acquisition and Management of Multilingual Lexicons”, part of the International Conference RANLP 2007, pp. 55-62, ISBN 978-954-452-004-5, Borovets, Bulgaria, 30 September 2007 (in English)
PDF file
Presentation (PPT file)
Atanassova I., Nakov S., Nakov P., ArtsSemNet: From Bilingual Dictionary to Bilingual Semantic Network, Proceedings of the Workshop on Balkan Language Resources and Tools, 1st Balkan Conference in Informatics, Thessaloniki, Greece, November 2003 (in English)
DOC file
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Presentation (PPT file)
Presentation (PDF file)
Atanassova I., Nakov P., Nakov S., ArtsSemNet: A Bilingual Semantic Network for Bulgarian and Russian Fine Arts Terminology, Proceedings of the BulMET National Scientific-Practical Conference, Varna, Bulgaria, May 2003 (in Russian)
Atanassova I., Nakov P., Nakov S., Technique of Semantic for Automatic Hyponym Chains Extraction from Terminological Dictionaries, Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Symposium MAPRIAL 2002, pp. 309-314, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, April 2002 (in Russian)
Atanassova I., Nakov P., Nakov S., Information Technologies Helping the Linguist-Explorer, Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Symposium MAPRIAL 2002, pp. 304-309, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, April 2002 (in Russian)
Technical Articles
Nakov S., Digital Document Signing in Java-based Web Applications – Part 6 – SmartCardSignerApplet: Java Applet for Signing with a Smart Card,, 2/2006 (in English)
Nakov S., Digital Document Signing in Java-based Web Applications – Part 5 – NakovDocumentSigner: A System for Digitally Signing Documents in Web Applications,, 1/2004 (in English)
Nakov S., Digital Document Signing in Java-Based Web Applications – Part 4 – Problems with Digital Signing of Documents in Web-based Systems,, 12/2003 (in English)
Nakov S., Digital Document Signing in Java-Based Web Applications – Part 3 – Using Digital Signatures and Certificates in Java,, 11/2003 (in English)
Nakov S., Digital Document Signing in Java-Based Web Applications – Part 2 – How Digital Signatures Work,, 10/2003 (in English)
Nakov S., Digital Document Signing in Java-Based Web Applications – Part 1 – Introduction,, 9/2003 (in English)
Nakov S., Internet Programming with Java – Part 8 – Java Server Pages; Sample Web Application, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 1/2003 (in Bulgarian)
Nakov S., Internet Programming with Java – Part 7 – Using HTML Forms; Servlets Lifecycle; Using Sessions,
PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 11/2002 (in Bulgarian)
Nakov S., Internet Programming with Java – Part 6 – Web Programming Base Concepts; Servlets; Tomcat Server,
PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 10/2002 (in Bulgarian)
Nakov S., Internet Programming with Java – Part 5 – Java Applets and Security; Web Applications in J2EE; Web Servers; Bases of the HTTP Protocol, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 9/2002 (in Bulgarian)
Nakov S., Internet Programming with Java – Part 4 – Java Applets, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 8/2002 (in Bulgarian)
Nakov S., Internet Programming with Java – Part 3 – UDP Sockets; Multicast Sockets; Accessing URL Resources,
PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 7/2002 (in Bulgarian)
Nakov S., Internet Programming with Java – Part 2 – Thread Synchronization; TCP Sockets, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 6/2002 (in Bulgarian)
Nakov S., Internet Programming with Java – Part 1 – Bases of Internet; Input/Output; Multithreading, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 5/2002 (in Bulgarian)
Nakov S., JBuilder 4.0 – A Powerful Development Environment, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 1/2001 (in Bulgarian)
Nakov S., Introduction to Java Server Pages, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 8/2000 (in Bulgarian)
Nakov S., Introduction to Java Servlet Programming, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 5/2000 (in Bulgarian)
Nakov S., RMI-IIOP – Short Technical Overview (in Bulgarian)
HTML file
DOC file
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PPT file (PowerPoint presentation)
Nakov S., Delphi 5 – A Look to the Web, PC Magazine/Bulgaria, 10/1999 (in Bulgarian)
Seminar Lectures and Presentations
Bachvarov A., Kolev V., Chorbadzhiyski G., Nakov S., Nedyalkov N., Pentchev P., Network Security and Network Attacks – Honorable lecture during the St. Kliment’s Days in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, November 2003 (in Bulgarian)
Nakov S., Implementing Application Security Using the Microsoft .NET Framework – Lecture during the the National Conference “Information Technologies in the Education – A Necessary Investment for the Future of
Bulgaria”, Sofia, April 2004 (in English)
Source code of the demo (ZIP file)
Nakov S., Borland Janeva: .NET Interoperability with J2EE and CORBA – Lecture during the Microsoft and Borland Developer’s Day, Sofia, February 2004 (in English)
Presentation (PPT file)
Source code of the demo (ZIP file)
Nakov S., The secrets of .NET Windows Forms and DataGrid – Lecture during the Microsoft and Borland Developer’s Day, Sofia, February 2004 (in Bulgarian)
Presentation (PPT file)
Source code of the demo (ZIP file)
Nakov S., Microsoft .NET Framework Overview – Series of lectures during the Microsoft Developer’s Day in
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Technical University Sofia, University of National and World Economy,
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”, Higher College of Telecommunications and Posts, Academy of the Ministry of Interior, American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad – December 2003 – March 2004
PPT file (complete version, in English)
PPT file (short version, in English)
PPT file (short version, in Bulgarian)
Nakov S., Digital Document Signing in Web – Java-based open-source framework – Lecture during the WebDev Conference (WebTech’2004), Sofia, March 2004 (in Bulgarian)
Presentation (PPT file)
Presentation (PDF file)
Nakov S., JBuilder 4.0 – New Features – Lecture during the Plovdiv International Fair, Plovdiv, September 2000 (in Bulgarian)