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Thoughts on Software Engineering

Digital Document Signing in Java-based Web Applications

Svetlin Nakov

Sofia University

St. Kliment Ohridski


This article was intentionally removed from, because the publishing rights are now owned by Jupitermedia Corp.

Please follow these links to read it:

Part 1. Basic Concepts Related to Digital Signatures:

Part 2. How Digital Signatures Work: Digitally Signing Messages:

Part 3. Using Digital Signatures and Certificates in Java:

Part 4. Problems with Digital Signing of Documents in Web-based Systems:

Part 5. NakovDocumentSigner: A System for Digitally Signing Documents in Web Applications:

Part 6. Java Applet for Signing with a Smart Card:

Comments (4)

4 Responses to “Digital Document Signing in Java-based Web Applications”

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