Java-Foundations Cover

My Free Java Foundations Full Course: 30 Hours Video Tutorial + 55 Hands-On Exercises

January 3, 2022
I am happy to publish my Free Java Foundations Full Course (30 hours video tutorial + 74 hands-on exercises). This course is designed as next step after the “Java Basics” free course. It will help you learn the core of programming with Java, using a practical, hands-on approach. In this free Java programming course I

My Java Basics Full Course: Free 13 Hours Java Video Tutorial + 74 Hands-On Exercises

October 26, 2021
I am happy to publish my free Java coding basics course for absolute beginners in computer programming (13 hours video tutorial + 74 hands-on exercises). This is an excellent Java coding video tutorial, which gets deep into basic programming concepts, such as coding techniques, algorithmic thinking, problem solving and debugging. Access the free Java coding

Free Java Video Tutorial: Part 2 – Using Java IDE

October 16, 2021
I am happy to post my second code lesson in YouTube. This is the second part of my “Java tutorial” series of video lessons for absolute beginners: My plan for the next few weeks is to create an publish a tutorial of 10-15 free Java video lessons, which lay the foundation of programming in Java

SoftUni Global Learn to Code Community @

October 14, 2021
I am very happy to announce that SoftUni is now global. We are building a global learn-to-code community, which provides a free mentorship help for code learners, along with weekly code lessons with hands-on exercises, video tutorials, events for developers and other free learning resources. Come and join for free, learn coding, get help from

Безплатната книга “Основи на програмирането с Java” излезе официално

January 14, 2019
Днес официално излезе безплатната книга “Основи на програмирането с Java”, която повежда читателя към първите стъпки в програмирането е езика Java, усвояването на умения за писане на код и организиране на програмна логика, използвайки данни, проверки, цикли и методи. За книгата “Основи на програмирането с Java” Java Basics книгата е оригинално българско творение, събрало опита

I am Teaching the Blockchain Dev Camp Sofia (Jan-March 2018) – Intensive 240 Hours Training

January 11, 2018
I am happy to announce that I will teach the first 6-week long intensive Blockchain Dev Camp, which will be held in Sofia in the Software University from 29 Jan 2018. To enroll, visit the course official site: Blockchain Dev Camp – Sofia (Feb 2018) The developer camp will teach the blockchain technologies from the developer perspective
Научи се да програмираш - безплатно в СофтУни!

Безплатен курс по основи на програмирането в СофтУни – станете ИТ специалист

March 14, 2016
Опитайте безплатно програмирането, този път с практически безплатен курс по основи на програмирането, присъствено в София или онлайн за останалите, на български език, с персонален ментор, с много практическа работа в клас, с качествено учебно съдържание, с персонално внимание под надзора на печени преподаватели и асистенти, с автоматично оценяване на задачите в реално време и

Svetlin Nakov – Books

September 5, 2010
Dr. Svetlin Nakov is author / co-author of 15+ books on computer programming and software development. Get the latest list of Nakov’s books from: Nakov’s books focus on topics such as basics of coding, problem solving, basic data structures and algorithms, principles of computer programming, Java, JavaScript, Python, .NET development, C#, C++, cryptography, and