In the last few months I am working as full-time consultant for the training initiatives in Telerik. It is really an exciting company and I really enjoy my job as manager of the technical training and university relations. I still can’t believe that Telerik is really perfectly organized company, beyond my expectations and even dreams.
My open-source book “Introduction to Programming with Java” has new Web site: The book is written by a team of 30 authors managed by me and is an excellent tutorial for beginners. It is a book about the fundamentals of computer programming, data strustures, algorithms and logical thinking, not just a Java book. The
Recently my team of 20 authors and few editors working on creating a contemporary book about the fundamentals of computer programming, data structures and algorithms is ready with the public official release of the book: The book “Introduction to Programming with Java” focuses on the fundamentals of computer programming, logical, algorithmical thinking, problem solving,
Last week I started a project to create a new book for sofwate engineers: “Introduction to Programming with Java”. The book will focus on the fundamentals of computer programming rather than on the Java language. This is not a book about Java. This is a book about the concepts of computer programming. It is intended