Recently I am involved again in recruiting a large number of people in the field of software development and every day I receive a number of amazing and frustrating job applications that let me fall down in unbreakable infectious laughter. Thanks to all these applicants. They make my work day full of joy and laughter.
Starting from March 2009 I left the National Academy for Software Development (NASD). NASD was really nice project and it was running successfully for few years but the idea changed so much that from some point in 2008 I was no longer able to enjoy doing this work. Why I left NASD? 1) My dream
Last week I started a project to create a new book for sofwate engineers: “Introduction to Programming with Java”. The book will focus on the fundamentals of computer programming rather than on the Java language. This is not a book about Java. This is a book about the concepts of computer programming. It is intended