Software Engineering Overview – Free Video Lesson
February 10, 2022
For this video, we will make an overview of software engineering concepts like software development lifecycle, software quality assurance, unit testing, source control systems, and project trackers. Each concept is essential for your development as a software engineer!
Free Java Video Tutorial: Part 3 – Console-Based Input and Output
October 20, 2021
Today I published the third part of my free Java video tutorial with hands-on exercises. It covers the console-based input and output in Java: reading text and numbers using java.util.Scanner and printing text, numbers and formatted output using System.out.print(), System.out.println(), System.out.printf(). Learn more at Watch the video tutorial in YouTube: Subscribe to my YouTube
Free Java Video Tutorial: Part 2 – Using Java IDE
October 16, 2021
I am happy to post my second code lesson in YouTube. This is the second part of my “Java tutorial” series of video lessons for absolute beginners: My plan for the next few weeks is to create an publish a tutorial of 10-15 free Java video lessons, which lay the foundation of programming in Java
SoftUni Global Learn to Code Community @
October 14, 2021
I am very happy to announce that SoftUni is now global. We are building a global learn-to-code community, which provides a free mentorship help for code learners, along with weekly code lessons with hands-on exercises, video tutorials, events for developers and other free learning resources. Come and join for free, learn coding, get help from
Programming Languages: Trends for 2021
December 22, 2020
I share my thoughts about the programming language trends for 2021, the rankings for 2020 (based on LinkedIn Jobs, GitHub, StackOverflow, Google Trends and others), which will be the most popular languages in 2021, and which languages and platforms are worth learning. My conclusion is that in 2021 the top 5 mainstream programming languages will
Безплатната книга “Основи на програмирането с Java” излезе официално
January 14, 2019
Днес официално излезе безплатната книга “Основи на програмирането с Java”, която повежда читателя към първите стъпки в програмирането е езика Java, усвояването на умения за писане на код и организиране на програмна логика, използвайки данни, проверки, цикли и методи. За книгата “Основи на програмирането с Java” Java Basics книгата е оригинално българско творение, събрало опита
Blockchain Cryptography for Developers: ECC, secp256k1, SCrypt, AES, Wallets
April 15, 2018
Recently I had a talk about the basics of cryptography for blockchain developers at the Bulgarian Web Summit 2018. I am happy to succeed to introduce the most important concepts of the elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), key derivation and encryption (SCrypt, AES and HMAC), digital signatures (ECDSA, sign / verify) and crypto-wallets (HD wallets, mnemonics
Безплатни курсове по програмиране в 28 града за напълно начинаещи от януари 2017 г.
December 8, 2016
Софтуерният университет (СофтУни) организира безплатни курсове по програмиране за напълно начинаещи в 28 града из цяла България от януари 2017 г. Целта е всеки, който има интерес към програмиране и технологии, да опита програмирането и се увери сам дали е за него и дали иска да се занимава сериозно. Повече програмисти и ИТ специалисти означава по-силна