Recently I am involved again in recruiting a large number of people in the field of software development and every day I receive a number of amazing and frustrating job applications that let me fall down in unbreakable infectious laughter. Thanks to all these applicants. They make my work day full of joy and laughter.
The ASP.NET development course organized by Telerik Academy in Sofia University started yesterday. I had an opening lecture and explained what to expect from this course. The students was really curious and highly value this course because it will give them practical skills and a job for the best of them. Due to the high
Програмата „Telerik Academy” е инициатива на иновативната и бързо растяща софтуерна компания Telerik за привличане на талантливи и мотивирани млади хора и задълбоченото им практическо обучение за софтуерни инженери в областта на Microsoft .NET технологиите с цел натрупване на солидни знания, сериозни практически умения и стил на мислене, необходими за започване на дългосрочна работа в
Telerik Academy program is an initiative of Telerik Corporation for training highly motivated young people in .NET software engineering and to hire the best graduates. The trainings take 6-8 months and cover in deep details the most important .NET technologies and software engineering concepts such as the C# language, the .NET Framework and its APIs,
In the training department of Telerik Corporation we have a new project called Telerik School Academy. Telerik School Academy is an initiative for conducting a series of free trainings in software engineering with C# and .NET Framework for high school students, helping them to prepare themselves for the National IT Olympiad. The training events will
Thanks to the Student’s Council of the Technical University of Sofia we organize a serious long-term course in Java and Java EE in the Technical University of Sofia. The course will be held each Saturday (all the day) in the Technical University of Sofia, starting in the middle of October 2010 and will finish in
I am happy to announce that our free training course “Web Applications Development with .NET Framework and ASP.NET” is about to start again in October 2010. It will be held in parallel in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI) of Sofia University and in the Technical University of Sofia. The course will cover the
For all DevReach fans and future fans I have sweet news: DevReach speakers will make free half-day online session on 9 September 2010. Anyone could register for free at the DevReach Web site: The content include the following topics: TPL and PLINQ; speaker: Tiberiu Covaci HTML 5; speaker; Daron Yondem The six fundamental principles